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I want to create a high quality film and I need tips on what video cameras to get?

26th April 2013

I want to create a high quality film and I need tips on what video cameras to get?

Question by Jentwez: I want to create a high quality film and I need tips on what video cameras to get?
I also want to take high quality photographs, they can be one camera or two separate ones (one for filming the other for taking pictures). I just really need tips on what to get. I want to make short movies in very high definition on YouTube for a project I’m doing. Thank you!
My budget would probably be around $ 300 or less. I really want to make urban style type of videos.

What I need more right now is a video camera.

Best answer:

Answer by Dennis C
Hi Janet:

Cameras & camcorders range from under-$ 50 USD to many-thousands, and Y!A users range from 13-year old teens to well-seasoned retirees, so you need to give us a bit more information about how much you have to spend.

And your subject matter & visual approach for your YouTube project can influence the equipment selection greatly.

So rather than a bunch of “blue sky” model recommendations, I’ll stick with the general “tips” you are asking for.

1) Set a budget of what you can afford to spend. Photography has traditionally been an expensive hobby (especially in the “film only” days). Video is cheaper than the old “home movies”, but you still “get what you pay for” as far as quality.

2) You seem to be interested in both “filming” and “taking pictures”, so don’t get wrapped-up in the “Megapixels” hype, which is fairly meaningless for video once you get above 2.07MP (multiply 1080 by 1920 pixels, for HD, and you’ll see what I mean). Higher megapixels only affects photo blowups, and still won’t do you any good if your lens is cheaply made.

3) Don’t get a camcorder or DSLR that shoots video your computer can’t edit! HD video takes a lot of computing power, tons of RAM, large & fast hard drive storage, and high-end video cards. Match the edit software to the “codec” the video is made with.

4) Buy the best video tripod you can afford. Tripods don’t get obsolete, and a jerky low-end pan head will frustrate you more than any other piece of gear. Still-cameras can pretty much sit still on top of any cheap mount, but a moving camera shot takes smooth, precision-tooled mounting & control.

5) Sound & microphones are more important than you may realize. People will watch a grainy YouTube video with good sound, but too-soft, echo-ey or distorted sound on the best-looking video will drive viewers away. Make sure you have an external mike input on at least one (if not all) of your camera heads. This is also vital for music videos.

6) Learn about “3 point lighting”, and if you plan to make still-photo portraits, then study portraiture techniques. Good video (and photos) require good lighting, and more is better to prevent grainy poorly-detailed video footage.

7) As far as lensing, if you are on a low-end budget, look for Optical Zoom (not Digital Zoom, which is worthless). Some cheap cameras, like the Flip, and some not-so-cheap cameras like the GoPro Hero series have a fixed lens with no optical zoom. Digital zoom is added to many of these (which is just pixel-cropping) to make them seem “better”.

8) Another lens-related feature is O.I.S. (for Optical Image Stabilization), which helps prevent shaky video & stills when your lens is zoomed-in or hand-held. Some cameras handle this better than others (and some call this feature by different names).

9) My final recommendation, as far as YouTube projects, is to not let a lack of budget or equipment stop your creative efforts. Two of the most-watched (and now, well-paid) YouTube stars are Jenna Mourey (“JennaMarbles”) and Hanna Hart (“My Drunk Kitchen”), both of whom shot & edited almost all their famous videos with the iSight webcam on their MacBook laptops.

Feel free to post an “Additional Details” update to your Question to give us a price range, and we can recommend specific models or feature lists you can afford.

hope this helps,
–Dennis C.

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posted in Entertainment | 2 Comments

26th April 2013

Why is Youtube suddenly clamping down on music videos?

Question by Andrew M: Why is Youtube suddenly clamping down on music videos?
I was just pondering this today when I tried to watch some Music vids by RHCP and they weren’t there.
Also a lot of the music videos I have on my bebo page have disappeared too.
What’s with all the clamping down?

Best answer:

Answer by jaun kerr
cos people are downloading them or ripping them for mp3`s

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posted in Entertainment | 4 Comments

26th April 2013

Why do only news people say violent video games harm teenagers?

Question by Question Mark: Why do only news people say violent video games harm teenagers?
Not so sure how to word this question. But whenever there is a mass shooting done by a teenager the news always says “video games caused teen to go on rampage” or something along those lines. But I never really hear” video games caused 40 year old man to go on rampage.” Why is that? Has there been any cases of adults going on killing sprees because of violent video games?

Best answer:

Answer by Kayla Marie
It just sounds like a good excuse. Instead of talking about deep psychological problems, bullying, etc. they would rather find a quick scapegoat.

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posted in Entertainment | 8 Comments

25th April 2013

Q&A: How should men teenagers wash their face properly?

Question by : How should men teenagers wash their face properly?
I am a teen with oily face and I found from some online reference that I should wet my face using warm water first to open the pores, second is rub the cleanser and the last is, wash my face with cool water to close back the pores. Will this be really good and is it true. If no, how?

Best answer:

Answer by ViCKii
yeah it is true BUT don’t do it all the time because the cleanser is made to remove all the oil and dirt from your face and by using it all the time your taking the essential oil that is need by the face to moisturize which results to dry and flaky or even oily skin … ALSO it irritates your skin on having to reprocess oil and it may cause some pimps and acne to appear so be careful! =)

So I recommend you you the cleanser 2 times a day, once at morning and once at night …

My bro who is a year older (19) always does this … (and me) but eah, if there is anything else you need just ask! =)

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posted in Teens | 1 Comment

25th April 2013

What can you do at a sleepover that is fun?

Question by fghfghhfghgfhhhhhhhhh: What can you do at a sleepover that is fun?
Any cool ideas that would be fun?
(2 person sleepover)
Please nothing wierd:Kid/Teen friendly activities ONLY.

Best answer:

Answer by angelshan
Pillow fight

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posted in Entertainment | 11 Comments

25th April 2013


Some cool teen help images:

teen help
Image by NazareneMissionsInternational

teen help
Image by NazareneMissionsInternational

teen help
Image by NazareneMissionsInternational

posted in Society & Cultures | 0 Comments

25th April 2013

What old band has a music video of a bunch of teens on a bus and the beach and stuff?

Question by : What old band has a music video of a bunch of teens on a bus and the beach and stuff?
I can’t remeber what band it was, but a bunch of teens were on a bus and going to the beach etc.. its kinda like the band aqua, but not…

Best answer:

Answer by Draven
S Club 7 – Reach?

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posted in Entertainment | 0 Comments

24th April 2013

How can I get an Adderall prescription for weight loss?

Question by Jose: How can I get an Adderall prescription for weight loss?
I know that Adderall is used for ADHD but it is some times used for weight loss. I would like to talk to my doctor about it, however, I dont know how.

Can anyone give me some sort of help as to getting it prescribed without having to take any other drug first?

i.e. ritalin for ADD or what not.

Best answer:

Answer by CleaningLady4u2
I don’t think that you can get a prescription for only weight loss with Adderall. I wish you could though

The one thing that worked for me for weight loss is this:

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posted in Society & Cultures | 3 Comments

24th April 2013

how can i volunteer at a teen suicide hot line?

Question by nachi.: how can i volunteer at a teen suicide hot line?
im 17 years old, almost 18. i want to be a physiologist when i graduate college, but i want to start getting involved now. i cant find any sites that will let me volunteer for them. i want to help teens that are going through hard times, and needs someone to talk to. im extremely interested in this, but i need help getting started. does anyone know any sites that i can look into, or any numbers i can call to help them. does my location matter?

Best answer:

Answer by amber
Hi! I am also seventeen, and I love helping people. I was just recently looking into this myself, so I have an answer for you!
Dawson McAllister is a man who hosts a Sunday night talk show on the radio. During his show, he takes calls from troubled youth and talks them through their problems. Now, he has a team called ‘the hope line’. The Hope Line is not just a phone number to call for help, but you can log onto the to chat with those who can help. I recently emailed one of the Hope Line’s directors, who informed me that although the Hope Line itself requires each representative to be atleast 21 years old, that a branch off of the Hope Line, Peer to Peer advice, will be in need of any extra help soon. So, I would reccommend that you log onto the Hope Line’s site and email one of the directors, explaining what and why you’re interested, and they will reply back with all of the information you will need. It’s a simple process, and it will help many people. I hope that I was of some assistance!

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posted in Society & Cultures | 0 Comments

24th April 2013

Visi Weight Loss – What Visi Weight Loss Products Can Do For YOU

Visi Weight Loss – – Click this link for more information about Visi weight loss products. Have you tried all the fad diets and gimmicks o…

Watch more: In this 30 minute yoga flow, Sadie Nardini, star of Rock Your Yoga, gives yoga lovers a core strength…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

posted in Society & Cultures | 27 Comments


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