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How can I get an Adderall prescription for weight loss?

24th April 2013

How can I get an Adderall prescription for weight loss?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by Jose: How can I get an Adderall prescription for weight loss?
I know that Adderall is used for ADHD but it is some times used for weight loss. I would like to talk to my doctor about it, however, I dont know how.

Can anyone give me some sort of help as to getting it prescribed without having to take any other drug first?

i.e. ritalin for ADD or what not.

Best answer:

Answer by CleaningLady4u2
I don’t think that you can get a prescription for only weight loss with Adderall. I wish you could though

The one thing that worked for me for weight loss is this:

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There are currently 3 responses to “How can I get an Adderall prescription for weight loss?”

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  1. 1 On April 24th, 2013, Anrz D said:

    Try ephderine diet pills they are way better for diet loss –

  2. 2 On April 24th, 2013, Anastasia said:

    It’s better and way easier to get Phentermine. You can get it from a weight loss doctor or sometimes maybe even a general physician. It’s very helpful. Phentermine and Adderall affect appetite the same way, at least for me. However, be warned that either one of these can only be taken for about 2-3 months at a time, with about an 8 week break between, because your body builds a tolerance. Once a tolerance is built, the weight loss will plateau, and you need to give it a rest for the medicine to leave your system, not to mention it’s not good for your blood pressure. Some weight loss doctors provide shots (B6, B12, & Lipo combined is the best) which can be received once a week even when off Phentermine, so that’s helpful.

  3. 3 On April 24th, 2013, Ginger said:

    Adderall is a medication that is made up of amphetamine salts, designed for use as a pharmaceutical psychostimulant. It is a prescription medication that is used to treat ADD, also known as Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD, or Attention Defecit-Hyperactivity Disorder, or narcolepsy. Adderall may also be used in cases of epilepsy or drug-induced brain dysfunction. The drug is designed to maintain alertness and focus in patients who are ordinarily unable to concentrate. Adderall may not work for everybody, so be sure to consult your doctor if you do not notice any change in symptoms.

    In short it is illegal to buy Ritalin, Concerta or Adderall without a prescription. It is also illegal to buy online without a prescription from foreign pharmacies as you are then importing illegal drugs.

    I hope this helps. For additional help see the source box.

    Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend.

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