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Is it right for a preteen to dress emo?

19th July 2010

Is it right for a preteen to dress emo?

I dont like how the other girls dress. Girly to me is like hell. And jocks is too… wierd lets put it that way. I mean all my friends call me emo and they say I listen to emo music Alesana Escape the Fate My Chemical romance AFI etc and so they consider me emo. I barely know what emo is but this is my definition: Actually a music genre but people consider it as a fashion and/or lifestyle. Consists of skinny jeans band tshirts graphic tees converse or vans and wild hairstyles. Usually colored black or spiked in the back. Usually depressed or just an outsider. Music is the most important thing there… and thats all. Do you think I should be allowed to be emo? I mean i know its a stereotype but still… Or what age should you be emo? I think its really cool cause it consists mostly of music so… what do you think? and no hate comments please… those kill me. XP
Ive tried a lot of other styles and they didnt feel like if they were for me. :s and I tried emo first and it definetaly felt like me I wasnt sure so I moved on…. And I cant hang out with them cause they are reallr really really rare here. So : oh well

posted in Teens | 5 Comments

19th July 2010

Teens: What is your favorite video game?

And why?

Mine is Resident Evil 4 because it is very realistic with an in depth story line. And its long but not too long.

posted in Society & Cultures | 11 Comments


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