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Is this a sign of depression?

23rd July 2010

Is this a sign of depression?

I pretty much have all these symptoms

feeling angry most of the time rebellious tired this is one that teens have complained a lot about to me they have a hard time sleeping at night or they want to sleep all the time inability to concentrate change in personality giving away possessions lack of self esteem change in eating patterns weight change or eating disorderdrawings or music with death themes sexual promiscuity unusual sadness/discouragement/ loneliness hostile or reckless behavior neglect of personal appearance truancy from school perfectionism restlessness anxiety/stress failing grades addictions pornography feeling unsafe at home or school being bullied

I always used to do good in school get good grades even last year sophomore year I never skipped and ended with all As and 2 Bs but not this year. I dont feel good in school before I go to school I have to look over myself many times to make sure Im good enough looking to go to school no acne etc.

I also started listening to bands like Marylin Manson Ozzy osbourne Black Label society… is this depression or am I just lonely from lack of love/girlfriend?
My parents arent supportive and put me down and say I am lazy thats why I miss school.
and thats why they think I miss school. My parents tell me to look towards the future but I cant

posted in Society & Cultures | 2 Comments


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