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Q&A: My doctor told me there is no weight loss pills on the market?

7th May 2013

Q&A: My doctor told me there is no weight loss pills on the market?

Question by Jladybug: My doctor told me there is no weight loss pills on the market?
I am about 70 lbs over normal weght and when went to my doctor he told me there is no weight loss pills on the market. I am thinkng how can that be? They have medicine for everything!

And I am not relying on pills I do diet and excersize, this would just be additonal help.

Best answer:

Answer by Yacobz
liposuction as an option, maybe?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

posted in Society & Cultures | 10 Comments

7th May 2013

Q&A: How do I help my son keep practicing the piano?

Question by wow_bill: How do I help my son keep practicing the piano?
I pushed my son to practice the piano again and again today. We finally had a little talk and he poured out his heart. He is struggling to see the value of playing the piano. He points to an accomplished neighbor who leads a solitary life. The other students with his piano teacher are all gifted musicians who seem to enjoy their talent. He questions whether we push him to learn to play simply to show him off to other people. And, he feels a heavy burden in bearing up under this regimen because he knows his lessons are expensive and just increased in cost.

My son has been playing the piano for 9 years since he was 6. He does have some talent, but obviously does not enjoy the routine, boring, relentless need to practice especially when he does not particularly like the music he is being given to play. I think he would be dutiful and continue to practice, if compelled. But, what can I do to help him want to continue to develop this skill?

Best answer:

Answer by numbsain?
This is a tough one. among the best arguments for the value of learning, practicing and playing music is the fact (and it has been proven as fact) that playing an instrument actually stimulates certain brain functions in a unique way that literally makes you smarter. Something about the synapses and the neural pathways blah blah yada yada (what do I know I’m just a dumb musician), but it has this effect on young brains (and old ones that are still a little spongy) that improves learning and comprehension for all subjects in all aspects of life.

Another good argument is that, in recent times, the arts have are being overlooked and we are culturally malnourished as compared to every other period in history. All forms of art and appreciation of art, are at an all time low and anything we do to promote music and art appreciation will be a good investment in our quality of life for the future. Imagine a world without art, music, beauty. I don’t think you really can because you’re so used to it just being there. But we seriously take it for granted and do not support art and the artist which means we will soon see a world with significantly less art and music. I can’t tell you what a tragedy that would be IMHO because if you think about it, what else is there? video games? Sports is okay but that’s not gonna be enough for the female half of the population. (not to mention the pansies… kidding!)

Which brings me to the REAL best reason to be a musician. CHICKS DIG MUSICIANS! I don’t know why but even a homely old fart like me can pull serious babage just by spitting a few notes through a trumpet. I’ve got the long list of exes who still call me to prove it. Same is true with plinkers of the 88’s, pluckers of the bull fiddle, hell even those guys that always hang around with musicians… what do they call them? Y’know, they always arrive with the band—Oh yeah! Drummers! Even they get women by the dressing room full. And I’m talkin about some seriously fine young things that ordinarily wouldn’t walk across the street to pour a coke on yer head if yer hair was on fire. so tell yer son “Go ahead, don’t practice but don’t come crying to me when your bald with third degree scalp burns.”

All kidding swatted at but not enough to keep it aside for long, I was exposed to music all my life. Everything from Gershwin to Bach to Jackie Wilson to Sam Cook to John Coltrane to Dave Brubeck and everything in between and around the outside. And I listened with a passion to all of it.
(Here’s the part you might want to edit out when you print it out to show it to your son)

In my preteens my sibs and I sang four part harmony with my bro’s accompaniment on piano. In my teens I listened to rock and it wasn’t till I was 18 that I suddenly found myself with a beat up old trumpet practicing 4 to 5 hours a day and playing gigs after a year of that. But It was my choice and I was playing the music that I loved which happened to be jazz.

I hate to tell you but alot of people who are urged to play when they don’t want to or before they’re ready, don’t continue it and end up not being musicians, doomed to a life of respectability and financial success. So I think you’re doing the right thing, ultimately Bill. Sorry, I hope you can glean something useful from this epic diatribe.

Have you tried not feeding him if he doesn’t practice? Then if he does, reward him with a bowl of Purina Musician Chow®! or toss him a Musician Biscuit: they come in 3 Flavors musicians love: Hearty Heroin, Jack Daniels and “Dumpster Divers Delight.”

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posted in Entertainment | 1 Comment

7th May 2013

Q&A: Does anyone know of good teen hangout sites?

Question by Michelle: Does anyone know of good teen hangout sites?
I need one with chat, avatar design, no limits on what I can and can’t say, and I don’t need to get a code to get extra special stuff. Please help!

Best answer:

Answer by kp_1993
umm myspace? YouTube is great to upload videos make ur channel good get friends on something you have interest with other ppl. I have so many online friends on YouTube and we all love Mariah Carey lol.

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posted in Chat & Forums | 1 Comment

7th May 2013

Cool Beauty Tips images

Check out these beauty tips images:

A 1950s style manicure with a half moon
beauty tips
Image by CutandChicVintage
A 1950s style manicure with a half moon.

A 1950s style manicure
beauty tips
Image by CutandChicVintage
A 1950s style manicure. Vintage ring from

posted in Chat & Forums | 0 Comments

7th May 2013

What’s a safe chat room to talk about my friend problems, please help!!!!!?

Question by ?: What’s a safe chat room to talk about my friend problems, please help!!!!!?
I recently have been having a shity time in life….. I mean ok so nice but I’m having so many problems, so I need to talk to someone but my parents won’t listen and my siblings won’t either. So can you guys give me a link to a SAFE chat room website that will let me just talk and have someone listen and give me some advise? I don’t want to give out my email or anything. I just want a safe, non virus, cell phone friendly, chat room where I can just let out my anger. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Sunshine – Teen Chat Rooms

Add your own answer in the comments!

posted in Chat & Forums | 0 Comments

7th May 2013

Cool Music Videos images

Check out these music videos images:

“I Love Lucy” by Big Phony
music videos
Image by mark sebastian
Check out for the entire video

Shot on a Canon 5d Mark II

Acid Mothers Temple (video)
music videos
Image by all that improbable blue
Acid Mothers Temple at The Bullingdon Arms, Oxford. 30th May 2010.

Video consists of 125 photos taken at the Bullingdon Arms.

Photos by all that improbable blue.
Video composition by Adam Pelling Deeves
Design By Simon Minter
Music by Acid Mothers Temple

posted in Entertainment | 0 Comments

7th May 2013

Is it annoying to you if you are sitting by a teen and they are watching music videos on their iPhone?

Question by Hi!: Is it annoying to you if you are sitting by a teen and they are watching music videos on their iPhone?
On an airplane…Like im not sure if me and my sister have to sit by other people or not (like it might be a 3 seat type plane instead of 2 seats…

anyway i fly in planes all the time ahah but i was just curious if people do get irritated if people are watching things on their iPhone? (of course im wearing earbuds but anyway…)

Best answer:

Answer by janis_joplin
NO! wow its called tec-nol-ogly

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posted in Entertainment | 4 Comments


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