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3D Video – FourPlay 3D Glasses Red Blue Anaglyph Needed Award Winning Short Film

11th April 2011

3D Video – FourPlay 3D Glasses Red Blue Anaglyph Needed Award Winning Short Film

3D Video – FourPlay Glasses Red Blue Anaglyph Needed Award Winning Short Film In order to view this video you can use a pair of red and blue 3d glasses, cyan is a light blue will actually give you a better 3d effect. These videos are made by creating two virtual cameras in After effects one for each eye and overlaying the images to give 3d video.


posted in Entertainment | 25 Comments

11th April 2011

would you think this is normal?

ok so basically i have this guy friend whom i met abroad who is staying in my home city for the next few months. i havent been able to meet up with him very much ever since he arrived mainly due to me cancelling/not being able to hang out etc but as its easter coming up i was thinking to take a trip to a city abroad where one of our mutual friend lives and inviting him to go with me. as hes kinda a guest in my country i feel like i should make more effort to spend time with him/take him places.
the thing is it would just be the two of us as i dont want to ask my other friends since they dont know my guy friend and would prob would be awkward as they are all girls and hed be the only guy. do you think its ok to invite him?

and just for the record i dont like him as more than friends

posted in Society & Cultures | 2 Comments


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