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How was your fourth of july?

5th July 2010

How was your fourth of july?

posted in Society & Cultures |

well mine was at worse then ever before..the whole day i was bored and then at night i wanted to go to the boardwalk to see fireworks and my parents saying there wont be any fireworks there but it doesnt hurt to make like a 5 minute trip there its so close to our hours anyways..later on she decides to go at like 12:30 pm where theres barely anybody doing fireworks.after we come back we see our neighbors that live across the street coming talking about how the fireworks were done on the boardwalk i felt so mad she totally ruined..and there gonna do it every friday but still the ones they do at the boardwalk are so much they have plus…and people wearing all these with flashy lights…

but i watched fireworks on tv its still not as fun watching it live…i always thought it looks more Beautiful when ur actually there..worst par about all this is my friend didnt even do anything on july 4th cause i usually spend it with her.

There are currently 2 responses to “How was your fourth of july?”

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  1. 1 On July 5th, 2010, Kat said:

    think of it this way at least u get to live in the land of the free and better yet live next to one pretty fun place. personally i hate july 4 because it reminds me of wars i remember as a kid

  2. 2 On July 5th, 2010, XPanda3TearsX said:

    my fourth of July was spent in my country New Zleand where like hardly anyone knows what the fourth of July is except for some old people down my street who were sitting roudn an amercian flag all day. I dont aunderstand why you call it the fourth of th july and not independence day bacause that is waht it is you had to fight britain for it in NZ we got it handed to us on a plate.

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