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Would this father be oppressing his daughter?

1st July 2010

Would this father be oppressing his daughter?

posted in Society & Cultures |

As a father of a teen girl would he be out of line for enforcing a dress code as a parent?

Young women seem to want to rush into showing off as much skin and sex appeal as possible. Many fathers do not want their teen daughters going out in short skirts and heels or short shorts.

I realize this goes against many feminist principles such as oppression control and free sexuality.

Is it reasonable that fathers try and instill some old fashion values before teens grow up or is this just another case of an abusive controlling man?

There are currently 8 responses to “Would this father be oppressing his daughter?”

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  1. 1 On July 1st, 2010, Cod4Masta said:

    I wouldnt call that oppressing I would term it parenting.

    I would look at the styles of today and loosely base it on what her friends are wearing. This of course depends on her age. If she is 1215 for example I would not permit excessive amounts of skin to be showing. However I do think short shorts are in and as long as her ss isnt hanging out then it may be okdepending on the parent. One would not want to be too restrictive a parent as this would just welcome rebellion with open arms. JMO

  2. 2 On July 1st, 2010, Victoria said:

    Nope as long as she is under 18 she needs to adhere to his idea of proper attire. Especially in the 1215 age range when they probably dont really understand their sexuality yet and can easily fall prey to predators.

  3. 3 On July 1st, 2010, Free Lebanon said:

    Nope hes a dad whos on his toes nor is he turning a blind eye. In effect hes a wonderful parent.

  4. 4 On July 1st, 2010, Lexie said:

    On one hand it is understandable that a father is apprehensive that his girl might be sending wrong signals to others on the other hand the kid might be expected to dress and behave in certain specific ways to fit in with her friends or risk getting ostracized from her group.

    A good father should be able to instill the sense that his sons/daughters worth is made up of more than just their attire and also how not to budge under peer pressure and do things that he/she might otherwise not be predisposed to do.

    This isnt oppression. Its oldfashioned concern that parents feel for their kids. Times are changing and so are parents.

  5. 5 On July 1st, 2010, shelly rene due 8/23/09 said:

    I think you misunderstand feminist principles. When you hear feminists complaining about paternal behavior its usually because the behavior in question is coming from someone who is not the father of the person hes addressing and being addressed to a woman who is beyond the age of needing parenting. Ive never heard a feminist say that she didnt want her daughter or her sons to be raised with guidelines limits oryou knowbasic parenting.

    As for fathers instilling values in their kids Id recommend that both parents working together as partners in their common interest is probably the best course of action when the child has two parents in his/her life.

  6. 6 On July 1st, 2010, Molly said:

    If she is under the legal age of responsibility which I believe is 18 in the USA then I think he does have a right to insist that she change into something that he considers suitable. Whether he is wise to do so is another matter. I think he needs to use his common sensse.

  7. 7 On July 1st, 2010, TheBigD said:

    Ask your daughter not to wear the clothing as you feel its not appropriate. Forget about feminist principles etc. use common sense raise your daughter to be respectful of self. FYI: teen girls tend to listen more to dad on issues speak up.

  8. 8 On July 1st, 2010, oldsouldier said:

    No but how exactly would he enforce it aside from cutting off her supply of skanky clothes and her access to a new one? I was always taught to be more respectable than that and it was never an issue in our house.

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