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Q&A: What are some weird and gross beauty tips for the Wicked Witch of the West?

15th January 2012

Q&A: What are some weird and gross beauty tips for the Wicked Witch of the West?

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Question by Emily Dew: What are some weird and gross beauty tips for the Wicked Witch of the West?
I am in a production of The Wiz, cast as Evillene. At one point in the play, Evillene offers her beauty tips to Dorothy. I thought it would be fun to write some of Evillene’s beauty tips on a poster to be displayed in the lobby at the end of the show and the director agreed. I came up with a couple, but need a few more. Any ideas?


Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
Soak your fingers in brine every night before bed for perfectly pickled pinkies.

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  1. 1 On January 15th, 2012, elphiefabalafae said:

    In Kristen Chenoweth’s last ever Popular she gave Elphaba some beauty tips. One of my faves is: ‘Deodorant helps. No one likes a stinky witch!’ You could change it to tell them not to use deodorant?

    Frog spawn makes a TERRIFIC moisturizer.

    Easy, queasy, hideous…Coverwitch!

    Why waste money on toothpaste when swamp slime is just as effective!

    The Ancient Egyptians sure got it right when they used crushed beetles as eyeshadow! And don’t get me started on their use of crocodile dung! (It was used as a contraceptive by the way!)

    Soak your feet in an emulsion of bats’ wings, eye of newt and sugar every night. It then makes a great pick me up tonic when you’re done!

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