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Teen chat………?

11th January 2012

Teen chat………?

posted in Chat & Forums |

Question by teenager: Teen chat………?
Teen chat………?
can anyone tell me what is the best teen chat site??

Best answer:

Answer by xchasingsummerx
You dont need to be going in chat rooms.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

There are currently 7 responses to “Teen chat………?”

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  1. 1 On January 11th, 2012, Alex M said:

    There’s no such thing as a teen chat site without adults {: (

  2. 2 On January 11th, 2012, She Didn't Choose This Role said: is what I’ve used. :)

  3. 3 On January 11th, 2012, Bettyyyyyy said:

    chat rooms dont usually lead to good stuff

  4. 4 On January 11th, 2012, »¤●°кιωι gяáçỤ●° said:

    You shouldn’t be going into Chat rooms.

    People say they’re 18 year old ‘hot’ guys but they’re usually 62 year OLD men.

    = )

  5. 5 On January 11th, 2012, confuzzled_love said:

    just don’t give out any personal information have fun

  6. 6 On January 11th, 2012, Amiah S said:

    espinthebottle its good i was on and they fingd people who live in the city that you live in its great

  7. 7 On January 11th, 2012, fred said:

    Ah, you’re better off striking up email pen pal & IM friendships here. chat is just chaotic “hi who are you?” People here you know who they are pretty much already.

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