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How much weight do you think I would lose?

1st June 2010

How much weight do you think I would lose?

posted in Misc Category |

Im My diet is starting June 1st 2010 and This is my plan. Well sort of How much weight do you think I will lose by the beginning of Sept. Please and thank you.
Lunch:Iceberg salad 1 cup 1/2 cup of grapes and another type of fruit.
Snack:A cup of fruit. Or Special K Bliss bar.
Break fest:2 ounces of Vema and One cup of Special K cereal with 2/4 of 2 milk.
Exercise:1 hour of running on Monday Wednesday. 1 one of Akido on Tuesday and Thursday.
Do you think this is a good Plan or no.. Dont worry i will change it up once in a while.. but I need your help please and thank you.

There are currently 4 responses to “How much weight do you think I would lose?”

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  1. 1 On June 1st, 2010, KikiWeird said:

    Umm… that sounds like youll starve yourself and slow down your metabolism. You need more protein good fats and vitamins.

  2. 2 On June 1st, 2010, Kaylababy grl apr 23rd 2010 said:

    With this diet you gonna starve yourself and crash your metabolism completely which means that there is a risk you will only loose very little if anything and then when you finally give up because you get to many cravings because you are hungry you will gain more weight and weight more than you do now because your metabolism is not running.

    Think about this:
    5 to 6 meals a day so your body is working constantly digesting the small portions of food you are taken in.

    Which should always contains some sort of protein a little fat and a few carbohydrates.

    Most of your diet plan is carbohydrates only.

  3. 3 On June 1st, 2010, P said:

    Hi Kaya…

    Your diet looks a bit too severe to me and low in calories.It is way below the absolute minimum calories of 1200. Wheres your dinner? Balanced meals provide the best route to go down believe me in terms of energy weight balance mood so many things. If you starve yourself to lose never looks good and you wont be happy in any way.

    i think you should focus more on having a healthy balanced diet try not to skip meals.
    Consistency is the most important thing for weight loss. So dont start anything drastic you would really struggle to keep up over time. Be gentle with yourself and moderate in all things.

    A balanced diet looks like this: Fruit Vegetables 5 a day
    Protein 2 portions a day
    Dairy23 portions a day
    Fat 12 a day.
    Carbohydrates3 a day depending on your energy requirements. if you chose complex carbohydrates Low GI carbs you should have less reason to worry about weight
    I find this really helpful to see whether Im falling short in a balanced diet. Actually it was Dr.Phil McGraws advice which helped me most. It helped me to stop worrying so much too.
    I advise you not to get too rigid or preoccupied with your diet. Try to find healthy food you enjoy and find out the correct portion sizes eat regularly..every 35 hours eat foods you enjoy. Learn to cook healthy meals its the way to go.
    Try to keep junk foods as an occasional treat..maybe one small one a day or maybe once a week. You decide whats best for you. Your exercise goals sound great i think it helps to have a fallback plan too if you dont feel up to exercise like maybe half hour walking instead of an hour running. An hour sounds tough. Being flexible is very helpful too.
    Always choose the best most healthy option for you on a meal by meal basis. Sometimes this works better than insisting on hard and fast rules.
    I wish you the best of health in every way 😀

  4. 4 On June 1st, 2010, balletgirl99 said:

    Werent you supposed to be down to 100 pounds by the middle of May?

    Add fixins to your salad: carrots celery radishes sweet onions.
    Make a veggie tray to snack on with lowcal ranch dip.
    Have a can of tuna for lunch.
    Try oatmeal for breakfast with honey.

    Cut out anything made with white flour spaghetti bread bagels pretzels.
    No soda sweets or junk food.

    Fresh pineapple will help a lot and its sweet.
    No eating after 7PM.

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