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how to get a soft smooth radient supple glowing skin?

1st December 2013

how to get a soft smooth radient supple glowing skin?

posted in Chat & Forums |

Question by tina t: how to get a soft smooth radient supple glowing skin?
any home made beauty tips. which works faster and faster. i gonna get married after 3 months. so i wana improve my complexion by that time. i am wheatish. my skin lost its elasticity and glow. its dull. how can i bring back my shone and glow on my skin? i also have slight under eye dark circles. i am 24. i have good features but not a good skin:(
plz help. any web sites?

Best answer:

Answer by FairLady
i’ll give you some tips –

for glowing skin:
1. exfoliate with st. ives apricot scrub once a week for face and body… right after shower, follow up with your favorite moisturizers.
2. schedule another day for an oatmilk facial.. mix regular (not instant) oatmeal and milk (preferably full cream) and leave on clean face for 15 minutes before rinsing off.. you can also do this in the shower for the body.. again, follow up with your favorite moisturizers..

result?.. smooth, soft, clear and glowing skin in no time.

for dark circles:
1. make thin slices of raw potato and leave on eyes for 20 minutes nightly.. follow up with a vitamin k cream..

congratulations in advance. :-)

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There are currently 3 responses to “how to get a soft smooth radient supple glowing skin?”

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  1. 1 On December 1st, 2013, Candy said:

    Mix together a little curd ,few drops of lemon juice ,a little honey and grounded oatmeal and apply to the face .Wash it off with warm water after 15 minutes .If you want more information on skin care and home remedies ,you can refer

  2. 2 On December 1st, 2013, neminly said:

    Don’t use the St. Ives. Check here for the ingredients and their risks…

    I have a recipe for a mask in my profile, just click my picture.

    I also have recipes on my site geared toward improving skin health and that lovely natural glow…

  3. 3 On December 1st, 2013, babyjono2004 said:

    Not sure how much you want to spend but you can receive 35% off all products when you join as a wholesaler buyer or buy retail price with Arbonne. There products do work and I know everyone is different but doesn’t hurt compare to what you are currently using.

    The products are formulated in Switzerland and made in the USA

    You can try ArbonneNutriMinC RE9 this really works and as this line helped my friend clear up her dark circles under her eyes in 3 days.
    The products are :
    *botanically based
    *ph correct – skin care of 5.5 ensures max. benefit
    *dermatologist tested
    *never tested on animals
    *formulated without animcal products or by-products
    *formualted without mineral: occlusive oil can interfere with skin functions as well as advanced delivery systems
    *formulated without dyes or chemical fragrances

    Their Deep pore Cleansing Masque and Scrub are AMAZING!!! I noticed the glow right away after I used it. I have been using the products for 2.5 years now.

    Did you know “Peppermint” helps to open pores and allows them to be cleansed from the inside. This means pores appear to be smaller giving you a more youthful appearance.

    check out the website for more amazing products: and you can also see the before and after pics too.

    If you are interested in these products or would like more info please e-mail and i will be happy to help you

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