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What did you think think of the Royal Wedding yesterday?

30th April 2011

What did you think think of the Royal Wedding yesterday?

posted in Entertainment |

What did you think of William and Kate.My family and I watched it on tv channel 7 I thought it was so exciting and it turned out sooo Beautiful: just how everything was set up and the choir and the whole Royal Wedding altogether lol I especially loved Princess Kates dress it was soo Elegant and beautiful I thought she was Lovely: and Prince William looked very Hansome and yere well I dont know what else to say apart from I would loved to have been there in Britian at that moment.

so what did you guys think of The Royal Wedding of Wil Kate.

There are currently 4 responses to “What did you think think of the Royal Wedding yesterday?”

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  1. 1 On April 30th, 2011, Alexus said:

    I wasent impressed and didnt see how that cost 80 million pounds.
    Her dressed was way too hyped up and fell short for me I loved her sisters dress though. To me her sister stole the show.

  2. 2 On April 30th, 2011, Sasha Puchinsky said:

    its was ok

  3. 3 On April 30th, 2011, Demi said:

    Im just glad its over honestly. I am happy for them and I think that their wedding was very nice but I dont know them so to me it seems like another just couple getting married. I am tired of hearing about it. The fact that they are royal does not make me see it any different. They are just two people that fell in love and got married. Thats it.

  4. 4 On April 30th, 2011, Jessie Eisnor said:

    her dress was ok…it doesnt impress me that much :/

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