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How do u get a 14 year old to listen?

27th February 2013

How do u get a 14 year old to listen?

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Question by Ryan M: How do u get a 14 year old to listen?
my 14 year old daughter made her own yahoo id and added a woman friend just a friend and from my list on to her list and she was wondering y she was not coming into the chat rooms and she told her she has seen other kids her age lie about their age just so they can go into the rooms then my daughter made a new id and lyed about her age and now she can go into the chat rooms and me and her mother ( my wife) told her to stop going into those rooms she like to go into the rooms just so she can talk to other parents cuz she has a kid of her own and the kid is only 3 months old and she is not listening to us she is still going into the rooms is there anyway to get her to stop and get her to listen?
oh and she is living at my wifes hide out with the baby my wife wanted to kick her out after hearing she was pregnant and its just a little collage.

Best answer:

Answer by Colleen O
Why isn’t she being supervised when on the computer?

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There are currently 19 responses to “How do u get a 14 year old to listen?”

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  1. 1 On February 27th, 2013, weedancer said:

    Take the computer away from her -you are the parent.

  2. 2 On February 27th, 2013, Fa q then said:

    Seems that you have more serious problems than a 14 yr old who lies her way into chatrooms. Communication is the key, there are no quick fixes. Try speaking to her rather than at her.

  3. 3 On February 27th, 2013, relientkfreak_pippagethetook said:

    Either block the chat rooms or move the computer into somewhere really public like the kitchen or where ever in your house. At 14, girls are stupid (I know. Trust me. 😉 ) and even though you know what’s best, she won’t want to listen. Good luck!!

  4. 4 On February 27th, 2013, collgegrl11 said:

    so let me get this straight your 14 year old has a 3month old baby? and you cant figure out how to get her to listen to you about the internet? well first off you lack discipline. spanking a child would have prevented the childbirth most likely. and ground her from the internet. you’re her parents don’t be afraid of her. you’re the authority.

  5. 5 On February 27th, 2013, baddgirl28 said:

    Umm if you get the answer to this one could pass it along to me!

  6. 6 On February 27th, 2013, Jennifer said:

    It’s too late. I suspect your daughter has been running your life for a long time, and she’s not going to stop now, especially if you have to post a question on this problem. The obvious answer is to pull the plug on the computer, but if you can’t figure that out, there’s just no hope. Sorry.

  7. 7 On February 27th, 2013, La-z Ike said:

    Who’s the parent here? Take away her computer time! she will be mad but will get over it. aren’t teenagers fun?

  8. 8 On February 27th, 2013, heartshewantsrevenge said:

    what the……?

  9. 9 On February 27th, 2013, DeeDee said:

    Are you kidding? She think’s that now she has a child of her own she is ‘old’ enough to do as she pleases. You need to try and get some control back. Make her understand that although having a baby is an ‘adult’ situation, lying about herself to use adult chatrooms is basically immature and what a child would do. Although from what you say it sounds as if you long ago lost the ability to ‘reason’ with the little demon. Good luck, you’ll need it!

  10. 10 On February 27th, 2013, mr.longshot said:

    OMG.. lol.. Alls I can say is “thank God” my daughters are raised. I was a single father raising my oldest.. One night I came home from work .. She had pink hair .. I said no way .. get rid of the pink (Big Argument) OK come home the next night. Her hair has blue.. Now what.. (Big Argument) She says.. “You said no pink hair!!” It’s a no win at that age. Take the computer away!!

  11. 11 On February 27th, 2013, aneagleheart13 said:

    Start listening to her. how much do you really know about her?, she will respect more what you have to say when she knows you are realy listening.

  12. 12 On February 28th, 2013, i like free t-shirts! said:

    your daughter, sry to say. is a whore, shes way past fixing, dr.phil cant help u, even therapy only lasts a short while, while the msg is still in their brain, but then its back to the same behaviour, i bet she doesnt know who the father is, tell me i’m wrong for your sake! i’m not ami, there we go, point made, kick her out of the house, disown her, and dont let any one make you feel guilty about it, because its not your fault, you have no control over your kids, dont listen to dr. phil, yes you do bullcrap! they’re at sschool more than with you, or watching tv, whos raising them? not you, so why would she listen to you, she wont. just let her be, and forget about her, you have enough problems, if this cause fights in the family stop! your wife is more important then trying to discipline a 14 yr old girl whos way out of control. dont get a divorce on her acount, why ruin yourself, forget about her!

  13. 13 On February 28th, 2013, ZEE said:

    Seems like she’s searching for advice on how to raise her own child properly. Motherhood is a scary thing for a 14 yr old. She hasn’t completed her OWN childhood and now……she has one that’s dependent on her??
    She wants someone to talk to and she NEEDS someone to listen to her.
    Perhaps you do already but…..maybe if you and your wife would set aside some time regularly to listen to the things that are important and troubling to your daughter…she might stop her search for a listening ear in chat rooms. Having a set of experienced parents right at home for her to get advice from can’t be beat.

  14. 14 On February 28th, 2013, Angelicforce said:

    I would say that you should sit down with her and talk. Not just about the internet but everything. Clear the air. Communication is key. I have 13 & 15 year old children. Because my parents spent more time trying to tell me what to do and rarely discussed anything with me, I went behind their backs and did what I wanted. So I decided that with my kids I would be as open as possible, especially considering the things that go on in the world today.

    Not only do I let them know how I feel about the things they are dealing with and want to do, I also make a point to listen to how they feel on these subjects. I give pros and cons for the things I don’t want them to do. That way they don’t think I’m just trying to stop them from having fun.

    Trust me having an open relationship with your child is key in helping her and always remember. If you want to know what’s going on in her mind sometimes you will have to let her tell you things that will make you want to strangle her.

    If I don’t like what my child has to say I don’t respond at that time. I wait until I get my emotions in check then I concentrate on how to reach them.

    At 14 it will be hard to make her do anything she doesn’t want to do. You will have to find a way to deal with her on a higher level so you will be able to reach her and help her to change her decisions to the right one.

    In the meantime, take away her computer privilages.

  15. 15 On February 28th, 2013, Iamamom said:

    Maybe as the parent you can report this to Yahoo. She is able to go on any computer and assess Yahoo.

  16. 16 On February 28th, 2013, KIT said:

    SPELLCHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Children learn by EXAMPLE!!!!

  17. 17 On February 28th, 2013, Chini said:

    When I was fourteen and I didn’t listen to my father, he unhooked the CPU and hid it away until I got my stuff in order. I hated it, but I learned. Taking that away is only the beginning. Cell phones, hangout out with friends, etc. It will hurt to do it, but you might suprise yourself. It sounds like she needs to be spending more time with her newborn than the internet anyways.

  18. 18 On February 28th, 2013, Chrissy said:

    It sounds to me like she is trying to look for help on being a mother and support and the reason she is lying about her age is because maybe she is ashamed or embarassed.

    She is a 14 year old mother, she is a kid herself and that is scary. I got pregnant at 16 and never had I been more scared in my life.

    You should suggest to her, it is a mommy forum with dozens of diffrent forums and they do have a teen pregnancy and teen moms forums, she can interact with both teen moms and adult moms.

  19. 19 On February 28th, 2013, craina c said:

    she has a 3 month old and she’s 14! you have serious problems!

    this is YOUR FAULT for allowing her to keep the kid.

    kick her butt to the curb with the little bstrd child. she won’t be on the computer.

    maybe you should have done something a LONG time ago. like be a PARENT.

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