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What’s the most effective weight loss pill with the least side effects?

12th July 2012

What’s the most effective weight loss pill with the least side effects?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by : What’s the most effective weight loss pill with the least side effects?
I know some people say those pills are just a waste of money and harm your body. But, I have seen success stories. These people changed their diet, exercised and took the pills as a helper to boost the weight loss and they saw significant losses. I don’t really trust the pills that I see the commercials for but I can’t help but wonder if they actually work.

What’s the best weight loss pill available? Are there any effective pills without the side effects of jitters, increased heart rate, etc?

Best answer:

Answer by csroberts
There is no magic pill for weight loss. You must exercise properly, 5 days per week, at least 30 minutes per day, and eat fewer calories, and that usually means eating low-fat foods. My diet is 8g of fat per meal or less. So I end up eating more veggies, which are good for you.

I lost 30 pounds this way.

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There are currently 5 responses to “What’s the most effective weight loss pill with the least side effects?”

Why not let us know what you think by adding your own comment! Your opinion is as valid as anyone elses, so come on... let us know what you think.

  1. 1 On July 12th, 2012, DAI_NGUYET said:

    Weight loss pill is OK. But more Weight loss Program here:

    See here and Weight loss

  2. 2 On July 12th, 2012, Azaria Fox said:

    Yes I know exactly what you are talking about with the diet pills but remember that depending on your body the pill don’t work for everyone in matter fact I think every prodouct do with weigh loss have their success stories is what works for for you I tried this program and it worked Maybe it will work for you

    Good Luck

  3. 3 On July 12th, 2012, Janis Kreislers said:

    Want the slide body and a sexy figure, and only 3 weeks? Visit this website extremeweightloss!

  4. 4 On July 12th, 2012, Mohammed A said:

    most of the weight loss pills will have side effects ,the right way for weight loss is the scientific way of dieting,eating healthy food and living without stress,for all this things we should have confidence
    that we can make it ,here i am introducing some thing for your needs

  5. 5 On July 12th, 2012, Swift Dez said:

    The best weight loss pill with least side effects is natural supplements.You don’t have the side effects with natural supplements and it’s much safer to take them long-term if you feel like you need to stick with a program until it becomes a permanent lifestyle change for you.Even tough weight loss supplements are natural and made from plants for instance, you should still check with your physician first. You want to do that especially if you are taking any prescription medicine.Natural weight loss pills are best one and they do not cause side effects.
    My advice is try to find one that has an appetite suppressant in it. Losing weight is all about speeding up your metabolism and reducing your daily caloric intake. If you don’t have much of an appetite, and you eat less, you will lose weight. You don’t want to starve yourself, but when you are hungry you can be more aware of your food choices. Instead of eating fatty, sweet, or processed foods, choose lean meats, whole-grains, fruit and vegetables. You will lose weight quicker and you’ll be healthier as well.
    All the best!

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