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Should i ask this girl out?

29th December 2010

Should i ask this girl out?

posted in Society & Cultures |

I am a teen aged boy and Ive really never asked a girl out before. There is this girl that I like named Makenna and Ive known her for about 9 years. We are pretty good friends and we hang out fairly often by going out to movies hangouts and road trips with 4 more people we know to relieve some pressure off of us. I text her almost everyday due to her being at opposite schools and the texts are usually a little flirty and full of smiley faces between us. I really like her and Im a little afraid to make the first move and find out she doesnt feel the same way. Making it awkward and completely ruining our friendship. Have any advice? Should I make the first move soon?

There are currently 2 responses to “Should i ask this girl out?”

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  1. 1 On December 29th, 2010, Myles Coleman said:

    If you have been friends for 9 years you will not ruin your relationship by telling her that you like her. If anything it will make the bond stronger. I think you need to text her and tell her you need to talk with her and then tell her in person you like her. If she has the same feelings then tell ask her to go on a date. If she doesnt have the same feelings just ask her if she wants to hang out at some point.

  2. 2 On December 29th, 2010, Jenn C said:

    If youve known her for that long and have been flirting/texting her for a while I think its time to make your move. Shes probably wondering the same things you are except in a more feminine way.
    Just ask her to go see a movie. That way you two dont have to talk a lot but you still get to spend some time alone with her. If youre too nervous to do that just ask a couple more friends to come along but situate things so that shes sitting next to you the whole time.
    I hope this helps

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