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anyone have some really good simple beauty tips?

6th May 2012

anyone have some really good simple beauty tips?

posted in Chat & Forums |

Question by lisa xoxo<3: anyone have some really good simple beauty tips?
what are some general beauty tips that you find very helpful ?
ex: 1. plucking your eyebrows so they are far apart in the middle make your nose look bigger (so dont do it!)
2. long shirts (or pulling the bottom of your shirts down) make your legs look shorter. (that’s not good)
3. blend your foundation down your neck so the color is blended from just your face – it makes the color look more natural.


Best answer:

Answer by dancer22
Get lots of sleep drink lots of water
always wear sunscreen too

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  1. 1 On May 6th, 2012, rachae.l.ove said:

    -less sleep makes you crave sugar
    -if youre going to put eyeliner on your bottom lashes ALWAYS do it on the top
    -if you put eyeliner all the way around youre eyes it makes youre eyes look smaller
    -shorter bangs makes ur hair look longer
    -most everybodys toenails look most flattering with squared tips (flat on top with edges rounded)
    -if you sweep a blush or bronzer slightly darker than your skin tones directly under your cheek bones it makes your face look thinner
    -it is actually better for your body to get a full amount of sleep rather than waking up two hours early and jogging five miles
    -vaseline is amazing it can be used as lipgloss makeup remover and moisturizer..(not on ur face)
    -washing and conditioning your hair in cold water improves shine and color

    i hope these help!

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