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Q&A: What are some really good beauty tips you can give me?

28th January 2012

Q&A: What are some really good beauty tips you can give me?

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Question by melody ヅ: What are some really good beauty tips you can give me?
some of the things i really dont like is im hitting teenage puberty !
i kinda hate it with all these pimples and stuff. but pimples are easy to get rid off
but some of the things i have is

– i go to bed at like 10-10:30 on school nights and i have bags under my eyes there not that bad but i would like to get rid of them :)
– and i have a really like oily nose.

but any other beauty tips in general i would like to know
thanks 😀

Best answer:

Answer by Albin
sex me if you can//////////////////////////////////

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  1. 1 On January 28th, 2012, Becky said:

    I have really bad under eye circles too and I’ve had them since I became a teenager, honestly, they don’t go, I’ve had them for about 3 years and I get a decent sleep every night. What you could do is, get a salmon coloured concealer and use that underneath your eyes, and then put foundation over the top.
    As for the oily nose, use a daily facial wash, and also maybe you could use dream matte mousse, as that dries my skin out (bar ein mind I already have dry skin), so if you have oily skin, use a matte foundation.

  2. 2 On January 28th, 2012, Aleigh said:

    Eat healthier. Could be the reason why your skin is bad. Treat your body good, it will return the favor. :) Get sleep! It will help you grow, as well. Sleep is sooo important, and, sadly, people don’t realize it. Try some new facial soaps. You must wash your face, or else your skin will not be happy. It takes the average person about a year to find the correct facial soap. I know it took me a while :). So don’t sweat if you don’t find the instant remedies. Beauty takes time, not overnight. :) Also, make sure your skin is breathable. If you are at home, wear a naked face. Only wear make up where it is NEEDED. Not all the time. All the make up will catch up to you when you are 25 years old and you look like you are 40.

  3. 3 On January 28th, 2012, Emily said:

    To cover up bags under your eyes use concealer – find one with a yellowy tinge to balance out purple bags. To stop your nose being shiny use facial blotting sheets (they come in tiny little books or card cases) and then face powder – either find one that matches your skin (this will also help even out your skin tone) or use a translucent one (you can hardly tell you are wearing these ones). Powder will also set any foundation or concealer you wear and stop it coming off or going streaky. Hope this helps! :)

  4. 4 On January 28th, 2012, dorkyfreak said:

    If you go on wikihow, and Beauty and personal care, they have everything. Hair, make-up, skin and nails

  5. 5 On January 28th, 2012, Angie said:

    Use a facial mask once a week-that gives me good skin:)

  6. 6 On January 28th, 2012, Barbie™ said:

  7. 7 On January 28th, 2012, Ali Greens said:

    With eyebrows, get a old toothbrush, spray hairspray on it then comb them up or into place and wollllah! Your brows will stay beautifully put all day.

  8. 8 On January 28th, 2012, Emma Walsh said:

    Take care of your eyebrows! Seriously! If you get your brows plucked/waxed, or even do them at home if you’re positive you know what you’re doing or can get help from your mom/sister, it makes a massive difference to your face. It gives you a brighter, livelier look and makes your eyes seem bigger too!

  9. 9 On January 28th, 2012, NK said:

    eat healthy and drink a lot of water, that’s the best beauty tip out there. Then, if you can afford it, invest in a good skin care regimen suitable for your skintype and tone.

    under eye circles: try cooling them down the minute you get up in the morning. You can use an ice cube or one of those eye masks – I have one of those and it’s fabulous. Then get a good concealer meant for under eye circles. There is a difference between concealer for under eyes and those for the skin. Try getting a peachy toned concealer. I use a liquid concealer by MAC and then I set it with benefit powderflage. Good bye dark under eye circles 😀

    For oily nose, the only help is blot papers and/or blot powders. I use MAC blot powder in my t-zone, and it is my favorite make up product at the moment. It gets rid of shine without looking cakey.

    other make up tips, is try to not cake on the make up at such a young age. It doesn’t look good, isn’t age appropriate and it can give you premature wrinkles. Also, use spf all year round, on your face, chest and hands – doctors can give you bigger boobs and nip and tuck all over the body, but they can’t do anything with wrinkles on the chest and hands caused by the sun.

    To sum up, all you need (if you feel you need anything) is: mascara, lip balm/chapstick, blot powder and concealer. If you have that, you’re good to go :-) when the base is good you don’t really need much “fixing”, so before getting make up, get a good skin care regimen

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