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Can you help me? Would you?

13th December 2011

Can you help me? Would you?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Okay Im making this book right? A girl whose normal to her classmates but deep inside her she has a secret. Everybody has secrets right? Shes normal loves to chat do things normal but she has one problem where does saving the world come from and where does Chemistry fit in? Saving the world is one thing boys is another thing what Im trying to say is that shes a normal teen and a hero without the super powers. She has a legacy of being known as a hero. Does this make since? thanks

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  1. 1 On December 13th, 2011, Ally said:

    Well yeah…sorta…if she is a hero then how does she i dunno BE a hero…what CAN she do to BE the hero? And whats the main danger to the world? The main baddie her mortal foe. Is it a secret? Or does the school know shes a hero?

    It makes sense but it could use a bit more detail.

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