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22nd November 2014


posted in Teens |


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There are currently 25 responses to “LOSE WEIGHT AND ELIMINATE ACNE FOR TEENS (PART 1)”

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  1. 1 On November 22nd, 2014, Raw Reiki said:

    Dan I wish I could persuady my man to eat vegan. Having a child in the
    future makes me feel insecure. He says that he will support the baby to eat
    clean, but the baby will grow up watching him eat meat and milk and it’s
    not going to be helpful :( I wish I had your way to persuade people!

  2. 2 On November 22nd, 2014, cruciferousvegetable said:

    We need to come up with a raw food name for Nataya. Suggestions: Nataya
    the Raw Food Daughter, Raw Food Nataya, Nataya the Girl with the Master
    Plan the Lifeinvigorator, Live Food Nataya. Fully Raw Nataya. 

  3. 3 On November 22nd, 2014, Marc said:

    Dan, I am trying to be open-minded, but you had me until breatharianism. I
    still value what you have to say, I think there is a lot of wisdom in what
    you say. Subsisting on only air, sun and energy for longer than a fasting
    period seems highly improbable and does not fit with our current
    understanding of the rest of living organisms. Every organisms, even
    plants take in water and take in nutrients from an external source to
    sustain themselves. We humans cannot photosynthesize – we must consume
    nutrients from outside sources or on the long term we will not survive and
    thrive. Please correct me if my understanding of breatharianism is not

  4. 4 On November 22nd, 2014, porcelaindolli3 said:

    Your comment about PRANA really spoke to my soul. I was in Washington for 2
    months of my summer, with negative ions radiating from the bodies of water
    I was near; the fresh, oxygen rich air from the centuries old evergreens.
    Then I came back to the smoggy, unhealthy city which I live in now; and I
    bawled and bawled that day. What was missing from me was the prana I was
    enjoying for weeks. I was told by my friends this was culture shock; and
    they were right in a way..but I’m calling it prana shock now. I am
    manifesting that I move to a location rich in mother natures beautiful
    wisdom expressing itself through NATURE! <3 Namaste :) :) :) :)

  5. 5 On November 22nd, 2014, liferegenerator said:

  6. 6 On November 22nd, 2014, Arlén Vestby said:

    Megan Fox has pretty healthy skin….and she eats dead corpse…..whole
    foods not processed….

  7. 7 On November 22nd, 2014, Mike Ross said:

    I have experienced my body becoming very weak, my iron levels have dropped
    to anemic levels, and my hands and feet are numb from being b12 deficient.
    I had my blood tested and my blood was anemic. I think not all people are
    supposed to be on this diet at this time. I think this is a diet of the
    future. I think a little animal products is okay asl ong as it is organic
    and grass fed.


  8. 8 On November 22nd, 2014, Keepskatin said:

    Pizza,chips and drugs haa haaa. Dan,do you consider Cannabis a drug or
    harmful drug?
    God does say let every plant be your food. God even applies of wine in
    light moderation,not as a drunkard.
    Genesis 1:29
    And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is
    on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You
    shall have them for food.

  9. 9 On November 22nd, 2014, lynda Raven said:

    Your daughter is very beautiful!

  10. 10 On November 22nd, 2014, andy kaufmann said:

    i stopped watching these about 2 years ago, dans done a complete 180 in
    many respects

  11. 11 On November 22nd, 2014, Rebecca Peake said:

    i’m going to college next year and i want to eat raw and exercise, & feel
    good about myself, but i have lost all motivation dan please help, i need

  12. 12 On November 22nd, 2014, quad king said:

    Dan you have changed my life dramatically in a very positive way…thank
    you so much.

  13. 13 On November 22nd, 2014, listen2watidontsay said:

    ਬੜੀ ਸੁਹਣੀ ਐ 

  14. 14 On November 22nd, 2014, Saras Gabbery said:

    Thanks for adding in the Higher Ethic of eating Fruits (gonads) v. Carrots

    There is Karma in ALL consumption. I have delved into this in my videos,
    but you definitely do a better job explaining it. I really hope, in the
    future, you make a video about Karma, and Raw Foods eating.

    Fantastic video, and relationship.

  15. 15 On November 22nd, 2014, RoadTripVidz said:

    LOL sorry I’m all for eating a very balanced diet…. but this speech is
    just gibberish

  16. 16 On November 22nd, 2014, Andre'a Rose said:

  17. 17 On November 22nd, 2014, ASMR fox said:

    Great conversation. I never, ever get to have these conversations because
    everyone around me is not awake to the subject of diet. If I bring it up
    the conversation quickly reverts back to mundane topics.

  18. 18 On November 22nd, 2014, livgal6 said:

    This was an excellent video , I liked the Q&A

  19. 19 On November 22nd, 2014, motherofgabriel said:

    Wow, what a beauty! Your daughter has changed so much even since the
    videos from last summer! x

  20. 20 On November 22nd, 2014, Andre'a Rose said:

    Nataya seems sweet

  21. 21 On November 23rd, 2014, Christian Vanderwyk said:

    We will have you train us for 7 years for our avatar child Dan !

  22. 22 On November 23rd, 2014, Missac Cassim said:

    hello….so if bananas and dates are not recommended …..then what fruits,
    vegetable, and nuts one should one eat ..thanks

  23. 23 On November 23rd, 2014, stine klostergaard said:

    I can feel your light and love Dan <3

  24. 24 On November 23rd, 2014, Darlene DeCicco said:

    Your daughter is gorgeous! She is so sweet! Great she’s on the right track
    in life with a wonderful inspiration, her dad!

  25. 25 On November 23rd, 2014, Cassie B said:

    This video convinced me to go vegan (at least try it) except I have some
    questions, how can I do this healthily? Does anyone have any
    recommendations I can do this, does anyone have any links?

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