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Why do the tween voters get so excited when their favorite wins on American Idol?

27th May 2010

Why do the tween voters get so excited when their favorite wins on American Idol?

posted in Entertainment |

They spend countless time voting the one they think is cutest. Then what is supposed to happen? They are gonna end up going to his concert meet him backstage get to hang out with him for a few hours then tell him you voted so many times for him and he will think Wow without your votes I never would have won. You made my life complete. Even though Im 10 years older and its a bit hasty lets go get married and spend the rest of our lives together

Or is it just they want to feel like they voted for the person who won?

What is the big attraction about voting on shows like that anyway? Why get so excited or let down? Its not like the outcome is going to affect life.

There are currently 5 responses to “Why do the tween voters get so excited when their favorite wins on American Idol?”

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  1. 1 On May 27th, 2010, Anonymous said:

    Because American Idol is a scam to hypnotically take control over americas children. Be afraid…very afraid…

  2. 2 On May 27th, 2010, supermommo8 said:

    Its the only power they have over anything. Being suppressed can do that though…

  3. 3 On May 27th, 2010, Andrea Vanessa said:

    I get really excited when my favorite wins and Im 18 but that has only happened twice in 9 seasons. I remember when David Archuleta lost and loads of tweens were really let down.

  4. 4 On May 27th, 2010, kumron said:

    Im 13 and I voted for Lee and regretted it after hearing his version of Beautiful Day. But I didnt vote for Lee because he was the cutest or I wouldve also have voted for Tim before he got voted off I do like Tim but not his voice and I never voted for him. I voted for Lee after Crystal tried to interrupt Simon before he could even speak. Yes this is a singing competition but it is also an attitude competition. Attitude does matter and Crystals been getting arrogant. Did you see her face before they announced the winner? She acted like the whole thing was a joke and that she was gonna win it So dont blame the votes on tweens/teens you shouldve voted more if you wanted your favorite to win.

  5. 5 On May 27th, 2010, Let ME be President said:

    This was just published by Yahoo.

    Keep tween girls and their moms from voting A female singer no matter how talented may never win Idol again as long as Americas desperate housewives are mooning over shirtless himbos and their impressionable daughters are blocktexting for pinupready prettyboys.

    Just confiscate their cell phones every Tuesday night between February and May. Problem solved.

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