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How to avoid acne in my face?

1st May 2014

How to avoid acne in my face?

posted in Teens |

Question by Carsh: How to avoid acne in my face?
I have acne in my face, and it’s really hard to avoid them. I have a bang/fringe type of hairstyle, because i want to cover acne in my forehead, but my mother says it makes it worst because my hair is greesy. But its really hard because then people would see all that acne. Can anyone tell me how to prevent it? I’m 13 and a boy.

Best answer:

Answer by DOT
stop eating processed foods…. and you’re probably hormonial now also.. seeing how you’re 13…

it’ll be an improvement if your diet improves… the acne will still come and go… but with lesser duration and consistancy… along with the larger, more problematical acne.. such as cysts.. which can leave scars for life.

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There are currently 9 responses to “How to avoid acne in my face?”

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  1. 1 On May 1st, 2014, Jody said:

    Shower twice a day and use a shampoo for oily hair, stay away from conditioner. wash your face everyday, drink lots of water, stay away from junk, and eat lots of fruit. That usually helps alot. If time goes on and youre still unhappy, seek a dermatologist.

  2. 2 On May 1st, 2014, Nevin said:

    You can put a clean towel over your pillow every night when you go to sleep.

  3. 3 On May 1st, 2014, allison said:

    Splash your face with warm water first, wait a second (dont wipe it off yet!) and then with cold water.
    Then dab your face gently (dont wipe it, it will ruin your face)
    Apply a GENTLE moisturizer or acne fighting cream.

    Do this every single morning and before you go to sleep. :)

    you will see results slowly but surely.
    Your mother is right though, the grease from your hair may be causing some of the problems too :)
    Don’t worry, I’ve been there!

  4. 4 On May 1st, 2014, Bella said:

    Drink PLENTY of water and excersice. Also do NOT eat junk food in other words processed foods. That means chocalte, chips, lollies you name it. Yes its true that your bangs will give you more acne especially if you play around with it. I’d sugest you try a different hairstyle once your acne is clearing. good luck :)

  5. 5 On May 1st, 2014, Okay... said:

    I also had acne at yr age and older, as a teen yr hormones are everywhere, acne is very common in teens and some adults too. But the good news it that it does settle down as you get older. Keep yr skin clean, dont pick or squeeze the zits! its hard not to do this but it causes scarring, bleeding, inflammation and makes them look worse! wash yr skin twice a day with a face wash for acne prone skin, and there are also creams you can use to help dry the acne out. Ask yr pharmacist, there are lots of things you can use and by over the counter. If the acne is very severe there are medications you can take but you need to go to the Dr and you need yr parents permission as they cost money. Try to eat a healthy diet, not too much sugar or junk food, if yr hair is greasy then you should wash it regularly with a shampoo for oily hair, yr mother does have a point about yr hair.

    hope this helps somehow.

  6. 6 On May 1st, 2014, Sandy Birmingham said:

    I would start with washing your face every morning and night. Also, I’ve read that the more you touch your face throughout the day, the more bacteria and oils you transfer there. Which makes sense. And it would probably be a good idea to keep hair out of your face and to also keep your hair clean. I had horrible acne too and I couldn’t stop picking at it which made it uglier and worse, which also left scars that will never go away. I wish you lots of luck, and I hope you can get it under control without having to beg for the proactiv stuff that costs an arm and a leg.

  7. 7 On May 1st, 2014, samia ferdous said:

    Wash your hair as much as possible to keep it from getting greasy. Also, when at home keep it away from your face. And remember to keep oil off your face by cleansing thrice a day.

  8. 8 On May 1st, 2014, :) said:

    I would suggest you to use a product called Clear Skin from Avon. I ordered the set on and this is my first time trying this product and it work really well. Your hair can also cause you to have acne, because of the oil, especially if you have bangs. You should also wash your pillow case more often to prevent yourself from getting more acne. Wetting a washcloth with warm water and wiping your face with it before you go to sleep is also good for preventing acne. Also, try drinking more water, because water can help reduce oil from your skin.

  9. 9 On May 1st, 2014, Adah Ioanna said:

    First off, I have had acne since I was 13 and have found that this product called Dermology is a total acne skin care system.
    Dermology Acne Treatment is not just another topical acne treatment product. It is an entire skin care management system that finds the source of your acne and not only heals the blemishes you have, but also treats future outbreaks that you don’t even see yet!

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