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hardcore genre music video?

7th March 2014

hardcore genre music video?

posted in Entertainment |

Question by random joe: hardcore genre music video?
ok there was this music video i saw on youtube around a year ago and i really want to see it again. I have searched and scoured the web and cant seem to find it. I don’t remember the name of the band or the name of the song but i do remember bits and pieces of the music video. the music in the video is what most would consider hardcore (screaming, heavy) and the music video itself was all black and white and it takes place in a city that starts crumbling and then some buildings form into a monster and there is a part where a guy rips something out of him and its in red even tho the rest of the video is in black and white and there is words forming on the ground and on buildings. that’s what i remember im sorry for the terrible description but it has been a while and this is all i can remember but if you know what im talking about id be very happy and grateful if you could reunite me with this master piece of a music video. thanks to anyone who answers =)

Best answer:

Answer by Username3750
Sounds almost like on of Parkway Drives music videos…I honestly forget the name of the song though, I believe it was off of their newest album Deep Blue?

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