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Q&A: Carrbonated drinks negate weight loss?

24th February 2014

Q&A: Carrbonated drinks negate weight loss?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by farahwonderland2005: Carrbonated drinks negate weight loss?
A well-meaning friend told me that drinking carbonated diet or regular soft drinks will prevent me from losing weight. What process takes place in the body that prevents weight loss?

Best answer:

Answer by Emilie25
Helo, I have never heard of this before. I defiantly wouldn’t recommend drinking carbonated drinks for weight loss. The best way is eating a healthy diet and exercise. Recent research has shown carbonated drinks such as coca cola is making people minerally deficient and is increasing risk of osteoporosis in women specifically. People need to understand there is no miracle way to loose weight.

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There are currently 2 responses to “Q&A: Carrbonated drinks negate weight loss?”

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  1. 1 On February 24th, 2014, starting over said:

    Well if you are drinking regular soft drinks….you will not lose weight….becasuse they contain a lot of calories….too many calories in = weight gain

    I have heard so many times that diet soda will not help you lose weight, if you use it as a substitute for regular soda, you will lose weight. On the other hand is you order diet and think it is ok to have fries now, cause I had a diet soda, then no, you will not lose weight.

  2. 2 On February 24th, 2014, melclem7 said:

    I never heard of this before. If it does help you lose weight, I wouldn’t drink a lot of carbonated beverages. The carbonation isn’t good for the stomach lining.

    I have heard that pineapples have reverse calorie effects. Usually when you eat something, it has calories. Pineapples help burn calories. Maybe thats why people eat pineapple pizza. After eating the pineapples, it burns the calories from the pizza.

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