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Power Yoga for Weight Loss – 20 min Fat Burning Workout

23rd February 2014

Power Yoga for Weight Loss – 20 min Fat Burning Workout

posted in Society & Cultures |

This routine is a KILLER! I know you’re gonna love it, or hate me. Either way this workout will raise your metabolism, rip your muscles, and build incredible…
Video Rating: 4 / 5 Fitness expert Nash Jocic talks about advantages of weight training over cardio exercises for fat loss. Learn from Nash how weight train…

There are currently 50 responses to “Power Yoga for Weight Loss – 20 min Fat Burning Workout”

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  1. 1 On February 23rd, 2014, SeanVigueFitness said:

    My friends, thanks for watching my workouts & supporting my channel!
    Thank you!

  2. 2 On February 23rd, 2014, Janet Jaso said:

    HOLY CRAP! Then ahhhhhhh. Loved it! Thanks!

  3. 3 On February 23rd, 2014, Elisabeth Dielessen said:

    loved it! hard work, still shaking… One question, my husband is beginning
    with power yoga, but he Always starts to feel sick after 10 min orso, do
    you know why that is? Thank you, gonna share this on facebook :)

  4. 4 On February 23rd, 2014, ScarlettShinzon said:

    I thought this would be a nice warming-up toward more than an hour of
    ashtanga yoga.. man was I wrong. Ashtanga yoga I hereby declare for pussies
    and you, Sean, are my new yoga hero. 

  5. 5 On February 23rd, 2014, Seb0099 said:

    if i do this in 30 days, would i then see results on my body? 

  6. 6 On February 23rd, 2014, Geoff Campbell said:

    Thanks Sean, that was a fantastic workout. A tough one for a beginner like
    me, but now I’m feeling great.

  7. 7 On February 23rd, 2014, Pie of Awesome said:

    Seriously, I am trying to do everything in your video workouts but you make
    me laugh. How am I supposed to breathe properly?! ;D

  8. 8 On February 23rd, 2014, CDCodwell said:

    I was doing so great until the spiderman mountain climbers at the
    end….then my body said stop lol

  9. 9 On February 23rd, 2014, Nick Donaldson said:

    I am a new to yoga. I really enjoyed this, was a great workout. I could not
    do the whole work out, had to take many breaks but still got a great
    workout. Thanks. I’m going to get your videos. 

  10. 10 On February 23rd, 2014, data gudjabidze said:

    that definitely is a killer

  11. 11 On February 23rd, 2014, Coach Lord said:

    Are you a Sports announcer? OMG….with my eyes closed, I see men running
    around the bases. Meanwhile, I’m giving this a try tomorrow. I’ll check in
    then. Miami Beach! Woot-woot!

  12. 12 On February 23rd, 2014, Jason Tetro said:

    Wow…this is quite the workout! It is my new fave for the coming
    months…or until I can do downward dog with heels on the ground. Thanks
    for this!

  13. 13 On February 23rd, 2014, Tenshi Yozora said:

    Hello! Thanks for this awesome workout! I was trying to find something that
    would get me back into shape after 3 years of a forced pause, and this is
    great! I tried some gym workouts, but they always left me unsatisfied,
    since they focused just on some body parts at a time. I couldn’t make this
    one through without some additional pauses yet, and that makes me want to
    work out even more! Thanks!

  14. 14 On February 23rd, 2014, Matthew Drury said:

    You are the man Sean! I love your workouts and your positive attitude. Any
    advice for sore wrists after doing your workouts? Mine have been killing me
    since I started doing yoga

  15. 15 On February 23rd, 2014, diana levy said:

    Absolutely loved this workout! Was laughing too! Ur fan from Israel!

  16. 16 On February 23rd, 2014, Jodellefit said:

    Great! You made me laugh and sweat! Two of my favorite things! Thank you!

  17. 17 On February 23rd, 2014, pobster129 said:

    just recovered from a few injuries and trying to get back in shape and damn
    did this put me through my paces, pretty new to yoga didn’t know it could
    be this intense awesome video dude

  18. 18 On February 23rd, 2014, helaya100 said:

    Have you experienced Morsch Muscle Madness? (Google it) It is a quick way
    to bulk up fast.

  19. 19 On February 23rd, 2014, merav g said:

    it’s too fast

  20. 20 On February 23rd, 2014, Courtney L said:

    Great workout, total body. Raises your heart rate and aids in
    mobility/stretching as well. Can’t wait to check out more from Sean. Also
    love his sense of humor.

  21. 21 On February 23rd, 2014, Dana Jones said:

    Wow that was a butt kicker for sure. whew!

  22. 22 On February 23rd, 2014, cosmospowerinfinite said:

    Amazing man… thanks

  23. 23 On February 23rd, 2014, SeanVigueFitness said:

    Aha!! Glad you found it Dana, it’s one of my favs! I need to film more of
    these. Sean

  24. 24 On February 23rd, 2014, 1andimo said:

    Great Yoga Power Workout! Really sweating and arms feeling the great burn!
    Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more! Amanda

  25. 25 On February 23rd, 2014, SeanVigueFitness said:

    My pleasure friend, it’s one of my favorites too! Sean

  26. 26 On February 23rd, 2014, Drake Santiago said:

    This was a superb explanation of the efficacy of weight training, over
    steady state cardio, in burning fat.

  27. 27 On February 23rd, 2014, mike12white said:

    Amazing video!!!! 

  28. 28 On February 23rd, 2014, Eomak said:

    Great info!!!! Thank you!!!

  29. 29 On February 23rd, 2014, Nepali keto said:

    Have you ever heard of folks burning fat–and enjoying 3 full scrumptious
    meals at the same time? Go google Fat Blast Formula to learn more.

  30. 30 On February 23rd, 2014, Domagoj Mitrovic said:

    Awesome video. Fitness in a nutshell.

  31. 31 On February 23rd, 2014, ga be said:

    I did 5 months of weights but carry too much bdft 35% 

  32. 32 On February 23rd, 2014, keepitreal said:

    excellent video i’m clear ! i love weight training

  33. 33 On February 23rd, 2014, METALGS1405 said:

    The best explanation I´ve heard since I lift about 3 years and no coach in
    the gym has been able to give such a clear view of the afterburn effect of
    weight lifting. YEAHH BUDDY LIGHT WEIGHT BABY…..

  34. 34 On February 23rd, 2014, Ahmad Kalban said:

    Came across this information, thought about sharing it

  35. 35 On February 23rd, 2014, Pikul Hossain said:

    Visualize getting rid of fat quickly? Well Wretch Weight Workings will make
    you lose weight… Period.. Give it a go, just search Google Wretch Weight

  36. 36 On February 23rd, 2014, BiCepsTheRapist said:

    weight training alone wont make you lose weight you need good diet plans
    and do lots of cardio I weight trained for 6 months and didnt lose weight
    lol I only gained strength maybe I’m wrong idk

  37. 37 On February 23rd, 2014, Nazmul Hossen said:

    Hi, have you heard about “MuscLeader” (have a look on Google)? There you
    can watch a great free video explaining the right way to pack on visible
    muscles easily while shedding excess fat as well. Ryan and hundreds of guys
    with the same goal experienced positive results applying this strategy. I
    hope it works for you also…

  38. 38 On February 23rd, 2014, STEFAN BADARA said:

    Canada food guide – Same BS brain washing government technique…I am just
    wondering why we are so screwed up in our thinking in information age when
    we suppose to smarter than apes or cave man. Instead of having healthy cave
    man bodies with contemporary thinking we have cave man zombifiled mentality
    with contemporary fat bodies. What’s wrong with humanity….?

  39. 39 On February 23rd, 2014, Rab carn said:

    @Nashjocic hi if i did push ups on a regular basis is this good for weight
    loss? i do my cardio 3 times a week and i dont have time for weight train
    but push ups and sensible eating thanks

  40. 40 On February 23rd, 2014, Catalin Harrison said:

    Hey there, have you discovered Legion Fat Loss? (search for it on google)
    You will find out about the crimes we commit against our bodies. With
    Legion Fat Loss, you will discover how to burn off fat quickly.

  41. 41 On February 24th, 2014, ItachiUchiha004 said:

    you have a complete explanation…thanks i appreciate it.

  42. 42 On February 24th, 2014, Fred sack said:

    Excellent video loved it all u know what ur talking about

  43. 43 On February 24th, 2014, STEFAN BADARA said:

    why the big lies are so entrenched in our mentality….then

  44. 44 On February 24th, 2014, trombonemunroe said:

    Excellent video. Such a solidly made case, and so cogently put. Thank you!

  45. 45 On February 24th, 2014, Kazee Sherpa said:

    It would be a shame for you not to get ripped when other people accomplish
    it so easily using Blistering Fat Loss (Look it up on google).

  46. 46 On February 24th, 2014, jandersontech said:

    Nash, thank you for taking time to explain muscle and its effect on

  47. 47 On February 24th, 2014, maxouttejas said:

    I wish you were my coach . Could you please help me out by giving me a
    workout routine. I weigh 93 kgs and age 28. My waist is 110 cms and need to
    loos body fat. Please hlep me if you can

  48. 48 On February 24th, 2014, nash jocic said:

    @queenteam74 Hi Dougie, your age is not a problem regarding fat loss and is
    always used for an excuse and is entirely down to mentality of an
    individual. Problem is that so many people have no idea what is body fat,
    insulin resistance, how to tackle it and prevent it. Regarding your
    question: exercise to build muscle (high intensity) not to lose fat (low
    intensity), eat lot of veg and lean protein, fruit sparingly,take fish oil,
    magnesium, zinc, and other vit and min. Best, N

  49. 49 On February 24th, 2014, Giant Angry Robot said:

    well said Nash, very informative.

  50. 50 On February 24th, 2014, Edward Toliver said:

    So if people increase their weight training but did little to no cardio,
    are you saying that those people could still maintain high cardio levels? I
    understand it will make you look leaner and cut fat, but can you do a
    strictly weight training program and still be able to run a mile in, lets
    say 7 mintues???

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