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Apple Cider Vinegar to treat acne

26th September 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar to treat acne

posted in Teens |

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar to treat acne.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

There are currently 25 responses to “Apple Cider Vinegar to treat acne”

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  1. 1 On September 26th, 2013, Laura Brown said:

    For those that want to get rid of acne, you should really check out this website called LENITO.COM

    This website has tons of information, remedies, and solutions for problems regarding acne from mild to severe cases.

    Check out LENITO.COM if you have acne!

    Thanks to LENITO.COM my face is clear and acne free! :)
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  2. 2 On September 26th, 2013, Michael Smith said:

    For those that want to get rid of acne, you should really check out this website called

    Just type it in your adress bar LENITO.COM

    It is a great website with tons of information, remedies, and solutions for problems regarding acne from mild to severe cases.
    Check out LENITO.COM if you have acne!
    Thanks to LENITO.COM my face is clear and acne free! :)
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  3. 3 On September 26th, 2013, Ann Kovac said:

    You can try it risk free

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    I now have a clear face and I am no longer down because of my skin problems. — Holistic Acne System

  4. 4 On September 26th, 2013, Alfred Johnson said:

    For those that want to get rid of acne, you should really check out this website called , just type it in your adress bar LENITO.COM . It is a great website with tons of information, remedies, and solutions for problems regarding acne from mild to severe cases. Check out LENITO.COM if you have acne! Thanks to LENITO.COM my face is clear and acne free! :) How does the truthful detail save the discussion? Why does the outgoing river reason the attraction?

  5. 5 On September 26th, 2013, Alfred Johnson said:

    For those that want to get rid of acne, you should really check out this website called , just type it in your adress bar LENITO.COM . It is a great website with tons of information, remedies, and solutions for problems regarding acne from mild to severe cases. Check out LENITO.COM if you have acne! Thanks to LENITO.COM my face is clear and acne free! :) Why does the soap conclude the bent stage? The music acts the sincere smoke.

  6. 6 On September 26th, 2013, Gorgi Angelovski said:

    Skincare companies desire individuals to give their products a try to show why they are worth buying.
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    Well I discovered a website that will send free test products to your home, its the best way to get free skin products :)
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  7. 7 On September 26th, 2013, carmen istrate said:

    I recommend using this simple acne home remedy cure that I am using and works great for me

  8. 8 On September 26th, 2013, crazycoolresh said:

    Facial care companies desire everyone to try their new products to demonstrate how good they are.
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    Well you must check out this website that will send Free trials to your home, its the secret trick to free skin products :)
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  9. 9 On September 27th, 2013, lisa mira said:

    Facial care companies desire everyone to try their new products to demonstrate how good they are.
    Have you ever seen the beauty product area set-up in your neighbourhood shopping plaza offering free samples?
    Well you must check out this website that will send Free trials to your home, its the secret trick to free skin products :)
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  10. 10 On September 27th, 2013, gina tanase said:

    I seriously think that every teen or adult with ACNE should follow this plan

  11. 11 On September 27th, 2013, Mike Stratan said:

    I discover the best way to get rid of acne at

  12. 12 On September 27th, 2013, vlad vlad said:

    Good video! My coworker also had alot of acne but when i met her right after the holiday breaks her skin was totally acne free! apparently she used some sort of genuine acne treatment called: Acne 404 Nuke i don’t know the site but just google it.

  13. 13 On September 27th, 2013, Kamran Baig said:

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  14. 14 On September 27th, 2013, Truong Anney said:

    After u use the apple cider as a toner. Can u put a Moisturizer on it after

  15. 15 On September 27th, 2013, egokiller royalblod said:

    I just realize that my girl was all that amazing until she got rid of the acne on her face using only Acne Miracle Pro. Get it now; her charm will also appeared. Google it out now to see the way it works

  16. 16 On September 27th, 2013, Kitty Bee said:

    Hey there, my niece is 13 yrs old and has really bad acne. She tried many different products and non works as well as they say. As young as she is can she use ACV?

  17. 17 On September 27th, 2013, Acjjr123 said:

    do you use a soap or a cleanser before applying the Apple cider vinegar or do you just apply it naturally?

  18. 18 On September 27th, 2013, yz young said:


  19. 19 On September 27th, 2013, Gemdoll831 said:

    I actually closed my eyes 😀

  20. 20 On September 27th, 2013, Anita Waddell said:

    I would like to know how long to leave it own, as well as my skin is very sensitive, is it advisable? thank you for the Informative information.

  21. 21 On September 27th, 2013, oyu8 said:

    You Rock! Thanks for the advice!! : )

  22. 22 On September 27th, 2013, Hibiscus Floww said:

    I must say the GMO foods / processed foods (purposely poluted food), chemtrails (purposely poluted air) the air polutes our water sources, which creates all those issues you stated. “Diabetes, heat disease and acne!” Eating raw foods has changed my world!

    By the way super nice vid, (: I love ACV. You get straight to the point and you seem sweet!

  23. 23 On September 27th, 2013, Isaac Park said:

    Does heinz apple cinder work??

  24. 24 On September 27th, 2013, Jacqueline Mar said:

    hi maám! how long does it take to clear up my face?

  25. 25 On September 27th, 2013, Josh Brumpton said:

    yes i do, it is unfortunately a rather long and expensive process thats not always sure to work

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