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Q&A: What has happened to our society that is causing all this violent behavior?

5th August 2013

Q&A: What has happened to our society that is causing all this violent behavior?

posted in Entertainment |

Question by WV Prepper: What has happened to our society that is causing all this violent behavior?
There has to be some underlying problem with this current generation. What has caused some of them to be so cold and consider their life and the lives of others to be worth so little? It can’t be guns, as they have been around for a lot longer than I have. I’ve worked in higher education for 30 yrs. and it seems that every semester brings us a crop of new students that have this “I exist so therefore I deserve attitude”. Mind me, we still get some great students, there are just less of them. Most think they deserved a passing grade just because they enrolled and someone paid the tuition. Not because they showed up for class and actually did the work assigned. They are just not goal oriented.

Best answer:

Answer by Mharkee
I’m young but from what I see it’s the video games and movies along with today’s music, which can basically have swearing in every other line and down talk lovemaking and females. It also is the popularity of teen pregnancy which means less parents being able to fully raise their kids the way they should be brought up. Education also isn’t the same and some teachers are not doing their job at handling these kids at a young age.

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  1. 1 On August 5th, 2013, Dr Redthumb said:

    if it’s anything like it is here in the uk, then there has not actually been much change, there is just far more information about it now because the internet makes all the information far easier to spread. Not so long ago you only saw what was in your local paper or on your local tv, the occasional story would make national headlines but most people would never hear about most of it. Today the increase in communication and the ease with which everybody can access information from everywhere means that we are all exposed to far more news stories about these things, so the perception is that there has been a huge increase, when what has really increased is the amount you hear about it rather than the amount that happens.

  2. 2 On August 5th, 2013, Jody said:

    It may not be popular to say, but I believe it is a sign of the times. The lawless, entitled generation is upon us.

    When I was in a 4 year university two years ago, kids were showing up to class in pajamas and looking as if they just rolled out of bed – if they came at all. Cheating was commonplace in every class. Professors turned a blind eye. Or left the room altogether and left a student in charge.

    Other professors were outraged that they could no longer take attendance or give a failing grade. Paying tuition anjd passing exams very nearly does ensure a degree.

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