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How come no ones saving their virginity?

2nd August 2013

How come no ones saving their virginity?

posted in Entertainment |

Question by leelee: How come no ones saving their virginity?
do all you teenagers think its cool to have sex?

i meen wasn’t sex suppose to be saved for marriage or just a good relationship.

i meen my opinion , if im gonna wait until im in a real relationship to just go off and have sex with everyone!

But by the time we all grow up and want to get married no one will be virgins, and everyone will have kids already so does it really even matter anymore , is their really any point in waiting?

“how old are you and are you a virgin “?

Best answer:

Answer by ayisha
I was a virgin on my wedding night and yes I was a “teenage” wife (19 years old). I think it has to do with the media glorifying sex. I mean if you look around you, books, magazines, Disney channel, movies, CD’s, music videos all talk about sex. You see it all the time in soap operas, there can’t be a fricking non-sex soap opera episode. Then you have clothing companies market skimpy outfits and “booty shorts” with words on the @$ $ for teenage and pre-teen girls to wear and of course parents buy these things for their daughters. Sadly this country has slipped far from God, even though we “claim” to be a Christian country, the actions of this society prove that we are not by any means a “Christian” country. Unmarried sex is no longer taboo in the West. Single mothers are no longer shunned like they are in the East. I am a firm believe in daughters copying their mothers, so if the mother is a whore than the daughter will grow up to be a whore. It is a known fact that girls copy their mothers and older sisters. If the mother does not dress modestly than the daughters will follow suit in their mother’s footsteps. Of course we also have to blame parents who raise sons to walk out on their pregnant woman and not pay any money to their woman and child. Sadly in my mother’s town, a girl is expected to lose her virginity by 14 years old or she is shunned by her entire class and is considered “uncool”. I will be 24 years old next February and will have been married 4 years this October.

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There are currently 2 responses to “How come no ones saving their virginity?”

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  1. 1 On August 2nd, 2013, Daisy Mhm said:

    I’m sixteen, and not a virgin. But my boyfriend is the only person I have and ever will have sex with. As long as you are in a good relationship I think its ok. But virginity is so special, and should definitely be saved for someone special. <33

  2. 2 On August 2nd, 2013, Linda T said:

    im 16, bfs nearly 18, we want to have sex but were waiting people that have sex at any time in ther adolescns are stupid, they do not understand what sex really means, there just doin it so they can say they are not a virgin, which is pathetic, wait its your choice dont let it be influenced by others around you.
    im the only girl in 6th year thats a virgin and im not ashamed to admit it. and im not a looser with no friends :L iv loads it wont efect your popularity if your worried :)

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