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Q&A: How the influence of mass media is causing moral degradation to a youngster?

27th July 2013

Q&A: How the influence of mass media is causing moral degradation to a youngster?

posted in Entertainment |

Question by Sayeeb Saleh: How the influence of mass media is causing moral degradation to a youngster?
I want answers for the MORAL degradation of the YOUNGSTERS. Add as much detail as you can. I have a debate just after 15 and a half hours. It is urgent. This is the final debate show of this debate tournament. So I need extreme points. Who will give any unnecessary information will receive a violation from me which will cause the deduction of 10 points from what you earned. And who will give the most useful, detailed and necessary information will be selected the best answer which will give you 10 points. I will be checking the oldest answers first. If you can give additional links, please provide. Best answers will be selected from the answers given within 13 hours. At least provide one point.

Best answer:

Answer by Bilbo
Moral degradation starts with people forgetting their manners. (ie please or thank you).

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  1. 1 On July 27th, 2013, G Parker said:

    According to researcher Marita Moll, one survey revealed that on the average young ones in the United States spent four hours and 48 minutes a day in front of a TV or computer screen.
    Is that necessarily bad? An article published in Science magazine reported that “six major professional societies in the United States,” including the American Medical Association, came to the unanimous conclusion that media violence is linked to “aggressive behavior in some children.” “Despite the consensus among experts,” observed Science magazine, “lay people do not seem to be getting the message from the popular press that media violence contributes to a more violent society.”

    Consider, for example, music videos. Parents are often shocked at just how graphic and sexually explicit some of these videos are. Can they really affect the way some teenagers behave? According to one study of 500 college students, “violent music lyrics increase aggressive thoughts and feelings.” According to another recent study, “teens who spend more time watching the sex and violence depicted in . . . ‘gangsta’ rap music videos are more likely to practice these behaviors in real life.” This study of over 500 girls revealed that heavy viewers of gangsta videos were more likely to hit a teacher, get arrested, and have multiple sexual partners.

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