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Why does fox news always blame video games?

14th July 2013

Why does fox news always blame video games?

posted in Entertainment |

Question by Question Mark: Why does fox news always blame video games?
Every time that there is a mass shooting that is done by a teen or something they always say that they are caused by violent video games. Why? But then again, mostly everything on the news that they show is violent or caused by violence on a daily basis. So that is why I don’t watch fox news.

Best answer:

Answer by perfectvelvet
That’s Fox News for ya…

Like I said in my answer to your other question, you don’t see things like “Aww, he was such a sweet kid, always watching Disney movies and reading classic literature – I never expected him to shoot up the town.” It’s generally a poorly adjusted kid who was probably bullied, who more than likely resorted to playing video games as a way of escaping his life (and succeeding at something when everyone else saw him as a failure).

I encourage you to read up on the West Memphis Three. They were three kids who, as teens, were accused of killing three young boys. One of them was really into sketching and art. They liked heavy metal music and wore black. They didn’t play video games, but they were still targeted because of their lifestyle choices.

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  1. 1 On July 14th, 2013, null said:

    They blame video games because that is the easiest target.

    Instead of blaming there parents the child’s upbringing, and what the kids had or was exposed 2.

  2. 2 On July 14th, 2013, Commander Shepard *has left to save Earth* said:


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