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What is that one little thing you do that changed your life?

30th May 2013

What is that one little thing you do that changed your life?

posted in Chat & Forums |

Question by Brandi C: What is that one little thing you do that changed your life?
Seriously, it might be a diet, religion, something you do daily, joke, recipe, beauty tip ect. Marie Claire (the magazine) does top 10 things that will change ur life. That’s how I got this idea. So I wanna know, what is your life changing tip?

Best answer:

Answer by htrever32
Just have fun with yourself

Add your own answer in the comments!

There are currently 7 responses to “What is that one little thing you do that changed your life?”

Why not let us know what you think by adding your own comment! Your opinion is as valid as anyone elses, so come on... let us know what you think.

  1. 1 On May 30th, 2013, zack said:

    karate klasses

  2. 2 On May 30th, 2013, Naguru said:

    Pray. Prayer does lot of wonders in our life.

    “Matilda Andross – “Prayer is more powerful than habits, heredity, and natural tendencies. It can overcome all these. It is more powerful than the forces that hold the planets in place. Prayer, though it comes from the heart of an unlearned child of God, can suspend the laws of the universe, if such be God’s will, just as the sun stood still when Joshua prayed. There is no other power on earth that the enemy of souls hates and fears as he does prayer. We are told that ‘Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.’ “ [Matilda Andross “The Life That Wins” p. 38]”

  3. 3 On May 30th, 2013, Kuku Kajoob ♫ said:

    Years ago, when I lived in L.A, I listened to Dr Toni Grant on the radio. Very fascinating and lots of useful tips.
    She said, it was important to take mini vacations in the course of your day. Even if you just rest your head for 10 seconds on your hand. Go to your vacation spot within your self.

    Create that spot inside with your ideal place. Mine is tropical.
    Create the feeling that it would give you to be there.
    With practice, you be there in a flash.
    I call it my happy place.

    Over the years, no matter what life trauma or disaster that has occurred..I always have my center of peace inside.
    I can go there in an instant…and shut everything else out.
    It might close right back in on me..but it cant overtake me 100%.
    It helps if you can add laughter to your happy place too.

    Most of lifes problems roll off me like water on a ducks back, because I have peace and I dont give it up easily.
    One of my most valuable assets.

  4. 4 On May 30th, 2013, Sarah said:

    Out with the old, and in with the new.
    Whenever something didn’t work for me, whether it be clothes, physical activity, or train of thought, I simply disregard it and look for the best alternative for me

  5. 5 On May 30th, 2013, Freakazoid said:

    Smoking pot… Best thing that ever happened to me!

  6. 6 On May 30th, 2013, CheesyBacon said:

    Realising that nobody is perfect, therefore not expecting anyone I meet to be so and accepting the fact that I am not so. When you admit your imperfections, you can see them more clearly and begin working on them.

  7. 7 On May 30th, 2013, Brace for shock said:

    Joined the Navy.

    Self-actualization, (goggle it, it’s not a cult or religion).

    Planned my destiny and wasn’t surprised when all the pieces fell into place.

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