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What is a good and fast way to get rid of acne??

28th May 2013

What is a good and fast way to get rid of acne??

posted in Teens |

Question by Jess: What is a good and fast way to get rid of acne??
I don’t have severe acne…but i have like 2 or 3 on both of my cheeks and a few on my forehead and chin as well….but they don’t want to seem to go away! I’ve tried ProActive but all that did was dry out my skin ALOT. What products or home remedies should I try?

Best answer:

Answer by nabila S
* Wash your face twice a day (thrice at most) with gentle and unperfumed cleanser. Avoid using soaps as they contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that can damage your skin.

* Avoid touching your face. Stop putting your hands by your face! I am often guilty of this resting my hand on the side of my head while reading. Also rubbing or bracing your chin is another common problem when thinking. Avoid rubbing, touching, or itching your skin with your hands. Your hands contain a lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups. It is probably one of the most difficult things to avoid since much of the hand to face contact throughout the day we are unconscious of. Make it a habit to avoid hand contact and be conscious of it during the day to avoid bacteria.

* Avoid the temptation to pick, prick and squeeze your acne. This will send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause severe scarring.

* For mild to moderate acne, you can use over- the- counter topical ointments, solutions, lotions or gels that contain salicylic acid or azelaic acid as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide. Resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur help break down blackheads and whiteheads. Salicylic acid also helps cut down the shedding of cells lining the follicles of the oil glands.

* Topical antibiotic solutions and lotions can also be applied.

* Tea tree oil is a natural antibiotic and antibacterial agent and has a drying effect on the skin. It keeps the P. Acnes bacteria at bay along with decreasing facial oiliness, which makes this oil a worthwhile investment.

* Sulfur helps to heal existing blemishes by unblocking pores.

* Alpha or Beta Hydroxy Acids (AHA or BHA) works by keeping the skin exfoliated. Glycolic acid, the most well-known of the bunch is a useful adjuvant therapy for mild acne. Mandelic acid, a lesser known one, but one that combines the keratolytic properties of glycolic acid with natural antibacterial properties that help reduce the presence of P. acnes, may be considered a more effective alpha hydroxy acid in treating acne lesions. It is also much less irritating than glycolic acid, a factor that may be very important to those with sensitive skin who are unable to use other agents such as Retin-A, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid. It is effective in treating mild cases of acne on its own, and can be used successfully with other therapies on moderate acne.

These treatments are usually effective for mild to moderate acne problems only.

See its official site:

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There are currently 3 responses to “What is a good and fast way to get rid of acne??”

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  1. 1 On May 28th, 2013, Kool Dude said:

    If you’re worried about acne, here are some ways to keep pimples away: To help prevent the oil buildup that can lead to acne, wash your face once or twice a day with warm water and a mild soap or cleanser. If you wear makeup, moisturizer, or sunscreen, make sure they are “oil-free,” “non comedogenic,” or “non acnegenic. If you have long hair, keep it away from your face and wash it regularly to reduce oil.

  2. 2 On May 28th, 2013, Bobby V said:

    Banish Today’s Unwelcome Breakouts – And Tomorrow’s

    Let’s face it: There’s never a good time for an acne breakout. That’s why our gentle, clinically proven, hypoallergenic treatment works to control today’s breakouts. In addition, it promotes cleaner, clearer skin to help prevent tomorrow’s as well. It uses naturally derived salicylic acid to penetrate pores, clearing up blemishes and protecting against future breakouts. Plus, patented Acne Clarifying Complex promotes a healthy oil/moisture balance so, over time, skin looks cleaner, clearer, and smoother.

    Even if you don’t experience acne, it helps to control shine and provide a matte finish. Ideal for both teens and adults, it contains targeted botanicals, including extracts of licorice, burdock, watercress, tea tree oil, and manuka oil, as well as vitamins B6, A, and E, and zinc gluconate.

    Check out this website for acne care.

  3. 3 On May 28th, 2013, lovinglife said:

    The Skin Store at: have several acne treatment products that are suppose to be very good.

    1) DDF (Doctor’s Dermatological Formula
    2) Dermablend
    3) Dermanew

    Also they have articles that you can research to help you.

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