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How do i decrease acne wuthout using a bucnh of creams?

2nd May 2013

How do i decrease acne wuthout using a bucnh of creams?

posted in Teens |

Question by Stefano: How do i decrease acne wuthout using a bucnh of creams?
i know there is no instant cure for acne… if there is share… but i want to decrease my acne

Best answer:

Answer by Marjorie
Use a really gentle facce wash usually acne cream dries the face out and makes it worse. usually baby shampo or an aveeno, olay sensitive skin face wash and use a moisturizer

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There are currently 5 responses to “How do i decrease acne wuthout using a bucnh of creams?”

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  1. 1 On May 2nd, 2013, Jasmine said:

    Acne is always a tough situation in a teen’s life.
    I’m still a teen myself!

    1. Never touch your acne with your finger. Your fingers have hidden dirt and oil that can make your acne worse!

    2. Use a gentle/mild soap instead of harsh creams.

    3. If you have bangs, pull them up. Hair has lots of oil, and you don’t them to be in contact with acne on your forehead area.

    4. Wash your face DAILY, but when you wash, do not scrub hardly. Just gentle strokes.

    5. Food can affect your acne. Oil is always the source of acne. So don’t a lot of oily foods.

    6. Instead of creams, use cleansers! Cleansers help a lot because they fig down deep into your pores and get all the oil and dirt out. I suggest you use ones that have salicylic acid. It cures acne very well.
    – I use a cleanser from Neutrogena. It’s called Deep Clean Cleanser. The bottle is blue and has dark blue beads in them. It works really good on my skin!

    Bye! Hope this was useful.

  2. 2 On May 2nd, 2013, Tarsha said:

    Hello, I’m a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to —->

  3. 3 On May 2nd, 2013, Ms.Understood said:

    This really works. Use warm water. The temp of the water will open your pores. Keep rinsing with the warm water so now u are cleaningthe dirtry out the open pores. It works. Do Everyday while in tub.

  4. 4 On May 2nd, 2013, jackie said:

    “Let’s just get this out there – food is not one of the causes of acne. Chocolate does not cause acne. You should know that scientists have never found a connection between diet and acne.”

    There is a place in Dallas that sells organic foods. There is a tea called “Get Gorgeous” from “The Republic of Tea”
    You can order it online too.
    Basically what it does is it has all sorts of minerals and stuff that your skin loves and it naturally clears up your pimples.
    Also, drinking green tea every night helps. Green tea has a lot of antioxidants, which are your skin’s best friend.
    Really, anything with large amounts of anti-oxidants can help.

  5. 5 On May 2nd, 2013, Max said:

    There are a few effective home remedies you can try to control or decrease your acne like avoid touching your face as your fingers distribute millions of bacteria to already vulnerable breaches in your skin which can cause or aggravate your acne.

    Also avoid squeezing or scratching your acne as this can aggravate it & cause it to flare up.

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