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What was it about the 80’s that made it such a great decade?

30th April 2013

What was it about the 80’s that made it such a great decade?

posted in Entertainment |

Question by rocker_girl_inside: What was it about the 80’s that made it such a great decade?
I was born in the early 90’s, and I really feel like I’ve missed out on something big. Call me an 80’s wannabe, but I’d like to know, in your opinion, what you think made the 80’s stand out. Especially if you were an actual teen that grew up in the 80’s.

Best answer:

Answer by somathus
The 80’s sucked. Too many bright colors and big hair bands. Too many Republican presidents

The 90s were much better

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

There are currently 4 responses to “What was it about the 80’s that made it such a great decade?”

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  1. 1 On April 30th, 2013, John Crisp said:

    you got to love the person who answered first.

    idiocy comes to mind.

    If your refering to the movies, music things like that thats easy.

    They actually worked to make them.

    Today its all done with computers. Acting where needed.

    same with music videos.
    No music video today could claim over any 80’s video.

    as for the world, we had powerful presidents, a world in a strangle hold of power between two countries, and well an exciting time.

  2. 2 On April 30th, 2013, JJ said:

    It was the decade of home video. No longer were we forced to put up with awful popcorn and juvenile delinquents kicking your seat.

  3. 3 On April 30th, 2013, Smoke said:

    the only thing good about the 80’s is it got us to where we are today

  4. 4 On April 30th, 2013, ... said:

    Do you mean the movies? Well, I watched The Empire Strikes Back, Conan the Barbarian, The Neverending Story, The Dark Crystal, and Raiders of the Lost Ark as a kid. My favorite movie is still E.T., after almost 30 years. And I watched John Hughes movies as a teen. Oh, and A Fish Called Wanda has to be the funniest movie, besides All of Me, that I’ve ever seen. I laughed so hard, it hurt. Dirty Dancing will always have a special place in my heart. I guess what was special about movies from that time was how glamorous and fun they were, if not very realistic.

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