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My 11 year old is getting acne. Should I start her on a treatment or let it be b/c she is starting puberty?

21st April 2013

My 11 year old is getting acne. Should I start her on a treatment or let it be b/c she is starting puberty?

posted in Teens |

Question by shawna914: My 11 year old is getting acne. Should I start her on a treatment or let it be b/c she is starting puberty?
She has whiteheads and is getting scars because she picks at them. I know that she is starting puberty and I don’t know if this acne will be temporary. I don’t want to start her on something that could potentially harm her skin when these breakouts that she is getting could go away on their own.

Best answer:

Answer by Janell D
OMG, there are so many options now that were not available when you and I were kids!! Take her to a dermatologist and get her some help, there is no reason for her to suffer through acne.. There are so many self image problems that kids face at this time in their lives, help her with this one issue at least.

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There are currently 7 responses to “My 11 year old is getting acne. Should I start her on a treatment or let it be b/c she is starting puberty?”

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  1. 1 On April 21st, 2013, Jon C said:

    Best would be to let a doctor or a dermatologist to check it out and give you advice.

  2. 2 On April 21st, 2013, theoriginalmel said:

    Why don’t you take her to a dermatologist and let a professional decide what to do. Puberty is hard enough without having to deal with acne any more than necessary!

  3. 3 On April 21st, 2013, Jason G said:

    To those above that answered this:

    Not everyone can just afford to go to a dermatologist, not everyone has medical insurance that covers this type of issue.

    Make sure she washes her face often with acne soap, warm water to wash, then cold water to rinse.. the warm water opens the pores to wash them then the cold closes them afterwards.

    Yes a dermatologist is a good idea if you can do this, and also tell her not to pick at her face and advise that she will have scars forever if she does.. that should stop this.

  4. 4 On April 21st, 2013, L3rOI said:

    no its natural for this time next is her time of the month wow what a great experience for a mother and a daughter

  5. 5 On April 21st, 2013, cnroney said:

    I started getting acne when I was in the 3rd grade. It was a hereditary thing (from my father, who also got it young). I too started picking, thinking it would make the bumps go away faster. My parents let it go saying that it was “just puberty”. My peers began teasing me, and I became very self conscious about my skin. It wasn’t until high school, when the acne was still persisting, that my parents decided I needed to see a dermatologist. The dermatologist put me on a prescription pill and a topical cream. The acne began to clear up in a matter of weeks. However, I still have the scars from the years and years of picking (not knowing any better). I say take her to a dermatologist and see what he/she thinks. They may be able to better determine whether she is old enough for medication or needs any medication for it yet. Also, they can reinforce the proper way to care for acne (good washing methods, not picking, etc). If a dermatologist is not an option at this point, fet her on a gentle facial scrub or cleanser and dot some acne cream on the bumps at night. Don’t let her pick! She will regret it in a few years!

  6. 6 On April 21st, 2013, kelly e said:

    I have an 11 and 13 year old with similar small acne break outs. I started them on two regimes. One being Acne free
    and the other is clear advantage by Arbonne (my son does acne free) it’s not ‘harsh’ and it helps.
    The Clear Advantage is more natural (Berts Bee is the same)
    Puberty or not they need help with the bacteria on the face these years (teens) are brutal enough – hopefully with a good regime they will weather the storm.

  7. 7 On April 21st, 2013, Amanda said:

    You don’t necessarily have to go to a dermatologist like others will tell you. There are things you can buy that might help before you go the route of medications. Even the creams that dermatologists may prescribe can cause things like depression.
    If you don’t mind spending the money, try getting ProActive for her. It has a money back guarantee if you don’t see results within a month. If that doesn’t work, try something different. ProActive did not work for me personally, so now I am using products from Skintactix that I found online. They are very natural with oils like cinammon. They do contain salicylic acid and triclosan which kill bacteria, but no benzoyl peroxide which can be very drying.
    Also, another natural remedy is mixing 1 part water to 1 part natural, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, with just a drop or two of tea tree oil. You put this on before bed and sleep with it on and then wash off in the morning. I’ve heard that this alone can work wonders.
    See what you can do yourself before running to a doctor.

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