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Q&A: Is there an online support for parents of Asperger teens?

14th April 2013

Q&A: Is there an online support for parents of Asperger teens?

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Question by wildfirejc: Is there an online support for parents of Asperger teens?
I have a 17 year old son who does not want to know anything about Aspergers. The doctors in UK have diagnosed him and he hates me for giving him a label. I would like to chat online with other parents who have the same problems. There is so much I need to ask on how to handle him! I tried some sites in the UK that have chats online – sign up and find I’m the only one in the room.

Best answer:

Answer by josh w
My nephew has Asperger, do a search on google for that. I”ve seen a couple support sites.

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There are currently 4 responses to “Q&A: Is there an online support for parents of Asperger teens?”

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  1. 1 On April 14th, 2013, Micah H said:

    i know a few people who have it isn’t an other name for it called autism?

  2. 2 On April 14th, 2013, rocketlady71 said:

    I have a 17 year old son with it as well. If you look at the ADHD websites sometimes they also have info on Asperger’s.

  3. 3 On April 14th, 2013, MissBehavior said:

    Try these:
    *The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)
    *Autism Speaks
    *Cafe Mom
    *Yahoo Health has an autism chat
    Tree House UK

    This should get you started. By the way, the Yahoo group has a UK autism group.

  4. 4 On April 14th, 2013, environmental1st2003 said:

    There are plenty of forums out there. I happen to run one, but will not say which one. The only source I would advise against is Autism Speaks. There has been a lot of cotraversies surrounding them.

    Autism Speaks was founded by Bob and Suzanne Wright; Bob is the chairman and CEO of NBC Universal and the chairman and executive officer of General Electric. He and his wife, have had a public falling out with their daughter who is raising their autistic grandson as evidenced by their daughter’s appearance on Oprah in April 2007 regarding this public falling out.

    Allison Tepper Singer, Vice President of Communications for Autism Speaks, discussesd how she felt when she took her child to a regular school which was going to accommodate her autistic child in a special education classroom with 5 other children, one teacher and two educational assistants. She said. “[quote] I remember that was a scary moment for me when I realized I had sat in the car for about 15 minutes and actually contemplated putting Jody in the car and driving off the George Washington Bridge. That would be preferable to having to put her in one of these schools [end quote].”

    It was only because of her other child, Allison Tepper Singer said, that she didn’t go through with the murder-suicide.

    Autism Ontario pulled an Autism Speaks very video from their website months ago after discussions with their board members and members of the autism community precisely for its negativity towards autism and autistics.

    I have heard from people “on the inside” that Autism Speaks’ goal is to fund genetic tests for autism to encourage people to abort those who have autistic genes in utero to eliminate autism from the world. Simply having autistic genes does NOT mean a person will present with autism.

    It should be noted that the PR firm who designs Autism Speaks’ ad campaigns (BBDO) is the same one that has created the defamatory Ransom notes campaign in New York in which the ads claim that people are “Held Hostage” to Autism and Asperger Syndrome.

    The ads make it seem as though ALL autistics and AS people are helpless idiots and that by paying for services, they can be cured.

    Autism has been proven to be genetic in origin and cannot be cured.

    I run forums for over 700 Aspies, and one forum for parents of autistics. All are firmly agreed that Autism Speaks is a poor entity to be “advocating” for autistics.

    My own letters to Autism Speaks were replied to with contempt and derision, so I know that they are open to no other opinions but their own.
    1 month ago

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