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What is the meaning of the lil wayne music video for how to love?

9th April 2013

What is the meaning of the lil wayne music video for how to love?

posted in Entertainment |

Question by Lana: What is the meaning of the lil wayne music video for how to love?

Best answer:

Answer by Emily
If her mom wouldn’t have left and had subjected her to that treatment, she would have grown up without knowing “how to love” essentially, or thinking she was worth nothing, but her mom got a new husband that was good to them, and again, they essentially taught her “how to love” and that being good, and trying, not putting yourself out will get you places.

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There are currently 2 responses to “What is the meaning of the lil wayne music video for how to love?”

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  1. 1 On April 9th, 2013, Autumnnnn<3 said:

    I was lost at the beginning what was going on there???

  2. 2 On April 9th, 2013, ochjesan said:

    I just finished watching it 3 times and I understand it… it’s basically about:

    The mom at a young age was planning to get an abortion, but instead decided to keep her daughter because she couldn’t do it. Her current boyfriend who got her pregnant with the daughter is abusive and later on goes to jail. Later on the mom and baby daughter goes to visit her real biological father in jail. Assuming from the visit it looks like that the mom is telling the boyfriend that she’s leaving him [notice how the daughter is witnessing this at a young age].

    A few years past and the daughter is now a preteen. At that age her mom has another partner who tries to rape the daughter while the mom is sleeping.

    The daughter now in her teens evolved into a person who doesn’t seem to really care about school. Instead of focusing on her school she’s dressed with inappropriate clothes making out with guys.

    After a few years she probably didn’t graduate from high school and is making money as a stripper which later leads to her getting HIV.
    The music video then goes back in time to before the daughter was born.

    If the mom moved in with her mother and have gotten married to a nice man, the daughter would of been raised in a way where she was loved.
    Focusing on high school, meeting a nice boyfriend and graduating college to become a hair salonist/barber. She lives a happy life making good pay and starting a family of her own.

    The video shows what happens when some people aren’t raised with love and what happens when people ARE raised with love. It makes a huge difference and impact on the individual. This video really opens the eyes to people who can’t see what’s going on around the world. It explains why several people in our generation are what they are. It’s not their fault that some people become like that, it was the way they were raised. Many parents don’t care to discipline their children or set a good example. There’s many miscommunication and misinterpretation between parents and their children which may sadly change their child’s outlook in life strongly.

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