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why did i just start breaking out with acne at age 30?

20th March 2013

why did i just start breaking out with acne at age 30?

posted in Teens |

Question by dreamgirl: why did i just start breaking out with acne at age 30?
I did not break out during my teenage years and my family has clear skin. The type of acne is red zits and painful. They appear more when I have dairy, nuts, and oily stuff.

Serious answers only please

Best answer:

Answer by therammstein18
its because you are under stress

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  1. 1 On March 20th, 2013, ILOVELUCYFAN said:

    me neither, I was later in life to get acne. I think it is due to change in hormones and also could be change in diet. Try modifying your diet, less fats – oily foods – fried foods. Hope it works. Goodluck.

  2. 2 On March 20th, 2013, terliuke said:

    Honey, you just answered your question yourself. It’s because of dairy, nuts, and oily stuff. It is usually related to food you eat, it can also be due to stress. Since you didn’t have it in your teens or in 20s, it is pretty natural that with age your skins is changing. Avoid any of the food you mentioned earlier, wash your face and apply a face moisturizer every day, get enough sleep and it should go away. If not, you will be like the rest of us! LOL. You should be happy that you didn’t have this issue until now. Most of us do!

  3. 3 On March 20th, 2013, jiverson1971 said:

    Could be hormonal! It could also be from the products that you are using to wash your face or the make-up that you wear! If it has mineral oil it could be clogginf your pores, thus the breakouts! If you need a product that works- try Arbonne’s Clear Advantage. You can email me for the info! It will clear it up quickly!

  4. 4 On March 20th, 2013, rainbowreggie said:

    There are a few explanations. You could be under an abnormal amount of stress. You could be having a slight allergic reactions to those foods (less likely though). Or, if you’re a woman, you could be pregnant. My best bet is that you’re under a lot of stress and maybe not realizing it. You could be working more and showering less which is causing an oily build up. Or maybe you’re working out more and working more. Again, if you’re a woman, you could be pregnant. Some women get awful acne when they are pregnant and the condition can be irritated by certain foods. If you’re a guy though, then it’s probably stress.

  5. 5 On March 20th, 2013, Wizard said:

    Well that may be the problem Acne and other skin complaints are usually the result of the wrong diet, or an allergy, or even due to any stress in your life.One of the worst offenders is Peanut Butter, which Americans seem to love.Peanut Butter is very high in Saturated fat, and bad for your skin and your Cholestrol. I would advise more fresh vegetables and fresh fruit in your diet, and plenty of water (8glasses daily). At 30 your body is undergoing change. We change every 7 years, and now is the opportunity to give yourself a decent overhaul for later life.Try recipes on Good Luck!

  6. 6 On March 20th, 2013, Chad said:

    Try showering once in a while.

  7. 7 On March 20th, 2013, oiboi said:

    I suggest you limit your intake of those foods. If you want them to be gone, I find that going to a spa works in the long run. I have adult acne and I am able to control it like that

  8. 8 On March 20th, 2013, hb kitten said:

    It’s called adult acne, and very common. It is not from food. Go to the dermatologoist, tehy have medicine for it. Or try Proactive, I have several freinds who swear by it!

  9. 9 On March 20th, 2013, crazym00fin said:

    Some people do get it when they are older, my mom’s friend broke out in her 30’s and never broke out in her teenage years.
    Why don’t you just avoid the things that cause the acne? But if you can’t live without those foods, then just wash your face (I’m assuming that’s were acne always is), well you should wash your face anyway. Most people will say not to wash with soap, but it dries your face and that’s exactly why I use it. When I wash my face with just soap and water on a regular basis, I usually am free of all acne. Sorry if this doesn’t help, but it works for me.

  10. 10 On March 21st, 2013, tampamomtobella said:

    It could be your body releasing toxins, if this is the case you could try doing an Apple Cider Vinegar cleansing. After having my first child I stared breaking out when I hadn’t before. I also had battled infections i.e. sinus and bladder. My mother, who has always been into alternative medicine, recommended this detox and it really has improved my health and appearance. Your best bet is a good organic, unfiltered kind. I took two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and honey, mixed in a glass of water and had first thing in morning. The acidic taste is worth the rewards! good luck

  11. 11 On March 21st, 2013, neminly said:

    Most acne is hormonal. If they occur mostly when you have oily stuff, don’t eat it.

    Stay away from products containing bezoyl peroxide. It works, but it’s a chemically induced sunburn with the same free radical damage as regurlaly getting a sunburn. It’s also used to induce cancer in lab mice. While the FDA has to do ‘more studies’ and figure out the ‘clinical significance’ of studies that show a causative link between benzoyl peroxide and cancer, I think WE should stop using it. If benzoyl peroxide is being use to INDUCE skin cancer in lab animals, I don’t want it on my face, and I doubt you do either.

    The main bacteria, propionibacterium acnes, has been proven to be killed by simple witch hazel, without the chemical burn and the risks associated with chemically stripping your skin. Tea tree essential oil has also been shown to kill the bacteria. Use whichever, but chemical solutions have a lot of risks that you probably don’t want to take.

    The solution above, with the vinegar, should help to reduce yeast and other internal bacteria that can lead to a lot of the problems she mentioned, and it will help to cut down on the yeast on your skin that the acne bacteria thrives on.

  12. 12 On March 21st, 2013, rajan naidu said:

    may be due to toxines in your body

  13. 13 On March 21st, 2013, said:

    I don;t know if you have a food allergy that might be causing it, but diet is very important in skin care. I cured my acne problem when I changed my diet. If you want to read how I did it, check out my website.

  14. 14 On March 21st, 2013, dieselbbboy said:

    I dunno how true this is, but I once read that after breast milk, the human body is not made to digest dairy… that with time we’ve adapted & most people are not okay to digest it (& lactose)… but that if not for dairy, no one would have zits/pimples/acne.
    Again, I’m not claiming this is true, as I’ve never tried it, but that’s what I read once!

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