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How do you become really pretty? and how do you get rid of light/moderate back acne quick?

7th March 2013

How do you become really pretty? and how do you get rid of light/moderate back acne quick?

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Question by Merry Christmas!: How do you become really pretty? and how do you get rid of light/moderate back acne quick?
What are some beauty tips to make you really pretty?

and do you think acne makes a person ugly? [no makeup]

That’s me.

Best answer:

Answer by luv_feminine_females
I would find some nice heels to wear and get you some pantyhose or thigh highs to wear with your outfits

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

There are currently 9 responses to “How do you become really pretty? and how do you get rid of light/moderate back acne quick?”

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  1. 1 On March 7th, 2013, Sydnee said:

    really pretty- its not something you can take something to be. drink alot of water, which will help your skin become slightly clearer, even out your skin tone with concealer or foundation, and use a bit of mascara.
    back acne- it may not go away overnight, use an acne fighting body wash like neutrogena and a back brush or back poof, like on a stick, to make sure your back is getting exfoliated and all of the oils are getting washed off

  2. 2 On March 7th, 2013, godsgirl3178 said:

    without knowing what you look like its hard. but beauty starts with if you believe you are beautiful. acne is an easy fix believe it or not. Put a piece of garlic on every spot for about 30 minutes it will dry it up. then apply cocoa butter to add moisture. walah perfect. But more beauty tips.
    1) guys love girls who take care of there nails, get tans, have nice white teeth.
    2) If you are younger, keep your mind on school! You will grow into your beauty!
    3) Don’t wear too much make up it is trashy and makes you look like a booty call

  3. 3 On March 7th, 2013, blondie said:

    Well one thing that might clear up acne is something with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in it. You can go to any drugstore and look down the acne skin care aisles and read the ingredients to see which ones have these in them. I also suggest laying out in the sun some just don’t over do it you don’t want to ruin your skin. I know some people will say not to go in the sun but in moderation it can help some skin conditions such as acne or eczema or psoriasis. If none of these work you should see a dermatologist.

  4. 4 On March 7th, 2013, @~`~ said:

    you can’t really blame everything on acne because it will just cause stress and that results in…more acne
    beauty tips:
    WASH FACE in morning and after noon
    use toner (recommend neutrogena)
    use moisterizer (recommend neutrogena)
    drink a lot of water (this really does make a difference in skin)
    take a daily supplement (vitamins)
    watch your diet
    define your eyes with mascara and eyeliner
    do not put too much makeup on your face if you have acne because that just makes it worse even if the product says won’t clog pores
    hope this helpss

  5. 5 On March 7th, 2013, nolalolly said:

    you are so pretty i love your lips just go to the derm or go to the drug store and get something over the counter take a multi vitamin too and drink a lot of water and no soda

  6. 6 On March 7th, 2013, larianyla said:

    Honestly, I don’t think acne makes a person ugly, unless it’s extremely severe. One of my friends red bumps all up and down one side of her face and she’s very pretty in my eyes.

  7. 7 On March 7th, 2013, Taryn ツ said:

    I don’t think you look bad. Some people do but I don’t think you do. I don’t like the first pic of you with your hair that color… I like it lighter like in the second pic.. And girls are lucky.. Girls who have a little acne like you or even girl who have way more can just cover it up with makeup. Guys who have acne can’t haha. <

  8. 8 On March 7th, 2013, cutie said: its ok if ur a guy talk to people about your skin

  9. 9 On March 8th, 2013, Jetsa C said:

    British Journal of Dermatology, Phototherapy with blue and red light was studied in the treatment of mild to moderate acne. After 12 weeks of 15-minute daily active treatments with a portable light source, a mean improvement of 76% in inflammatory lesions was observed. Investigators and patients favored blue-red light therapy, with more patients achieving marked improvement or clearance than in any of the other treatment group.

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