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What are some TV shows, movies, books, etc that have a influence on kids?

11th January 2013

What are some TV shows, movies, books, etc that have a influence on kids?

posted in Entertainment |

Question by Domo Maps: What are some TV shows, movies, books, etc that have a influence on kids?
Hi, I need some ideas on any particular TV shows, movies, books, music videos, music artists, etc that have either a bad influence or positive influence on teens. also please explain why. thanks!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by quaker life cereal
Arthur is a great TV series for kids because it teaches kids to be kind and respect one another. It also teaches other lessons.

Boy Meets World is good because it teaches all the life lessons.

Degrassi is good for teenagers because it helps them deal with things that teenagers go through, like getting raped, questioning your sexuality, coming out of the closet, how to deal with step families, anorexia, kids bringing guns to school because they were bullied too many times, bipolar disorder, depression, cutting, teen dating violence, lessons about not taking your parent’s car because you’ll probably crash it, not cheating on your girlfriend, not taking ecstasy at a party, etc.

Glee is good because the songs make people super happy and feel better. It also gives kids who are bullied something to relate to.

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  1. 1 On January 11th, 2013, Learning Inspirations LLC said:

    The following article has links to high-interest non-fiction texts that provide information on current and world events. They are particularly useful for young teens and will help support reading development. The articles are in a variety of subject areas so there is something to interest all young teens.

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