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What is a good book for teens about coping with anxciety?

11th December 2012

What is a good book for teens about coping with anxciety?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by ssteven199213: What is a good book for teens about coping with anxciety?
My 16 year old daughter suffers from anxciety and I would like to find a book she can read that is easy to understand and gives good advice!

Best answer:

Answer by AngelSenshi
These days books like that are difficult to come by. I’m a bookworm, I love reading and I have a shelf bigger than my wardrobe, which really is saying something and I’ve yet to find a good book like the one you’re looking for. I’ve sufferred from depression, extreme anxiety, panic attacks and a lot of things. The only real thing I was able to find that helped me with that was reading fanfictions on the internet. I find they are more real than the books you find in stores because you can review peoples work and they WILL answer you. Most of these people also talk from experience and even I personally write a lot psychology related things and I always give good morals and advice through my writing.

Until I can think of a good book to recommend, I suggest you just go on a website like and try to look for some interesting stories, maybe you could print them for her and put together a collection of good stories. That’s the best I can think of, forgive me.

Another good thing you could do, with similar helpfulness, inspire her to write and release some of her own views in stories on websites. That’s what has helped me immensely in my life, and I’m 16 year old girl too, so I know how she feels. I will get back to you if I think of a good book to recommend, I’m sorry my reply couldnt be of better help. Good luck and I hope things go well for you and her.

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