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Q&A: How would I go about making a chat room for my school where students could anonymously message me?

11th December 2012

Q&A: How would I go about making a chat room for my school where students could anonymously message me?

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Question by Miles: How would I go about making a chat room for my school where students could anonymously message me?
I’m president of the Gay-Straight Alliance at my school. I want to make a website sort of thing that could serve as a place for people who are struggling with their sexuality to come and talk to a peer. I just want them to be able to send me an anonymous message and we could talk about their problems. That way they don’t know who I am and I won’t know who they are; it’s just a person for them to talk to. Do you know of anything like this or how I could go about creating it? And secondly, does this even sound like a good idea? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by ♚LGBT♚
It sounds like a great idea!
Only problem is that it could lead to you receiving anonymous hate mail! D:

You could notify your school about it, make it obvious that it is available for students if they wish. Place a note in the school news letter, school bulletin, pamphlets, etc.

Websites that allow anonymous questions:

I really hope this helps, good luck!!
It is great you are helping other teens whom may be unsure of their sexuality! You are a very good and genuine human being.

Lots of love,

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