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How do you be popular at school?

1st December 2012

How do you be popular at school?

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Question by Kimmie: How do you be popular at school?
Me and my friend want to know how to be popular, but without being mean. Any beauty tips? Kindness tips? How to be healthy and look beautiful please!

Best answer:

Answer by Jello12
Use the word “faggot” a lot.. tell everyone you have a giant dick and that you bone many girls with it. and play black ops.

If you’re a girl, just allow everyone to bang you and show a lot of cleavage.

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There are currently 11 responses to “How do you be popular at school?”

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  1. 1 On December 1st, 2012, Onlay W said:

    be yourself and try and wear good fashion trends become friends with the in crowd

  2. 2 On December 1st, 2012, Taylor said:

    Yes there is a way to be popular. Be yourself and live your life having fun not trying to be something your not. Trust me been down this road and you know what? It’s a waist of time. Life is to short and God didn’t put us here on earth to try to be popular. You are beautiful without even knowing it.

  3. 3 On December 1st, 2012, Adam B said:

    Be yourself, first of all. I’m not exactly “popular”, but I can tell you that asking about how to become it isn’t a positive step towards it. Plus, what the hell is so great about popularity? In 10 years, who really cares about that? It’s totally not mature.

    You can have your own group of friends and be just as cool as the most “popular” kid in school. People tend to become popular because they are brainless partiers, or dumb but have a unique personality. There are a few “popular” kids that are popular for good reasons, as in they are truly friendly, interesting people, but I’ve found that most aren’t anybody special.

    Stop caring about that and worry about… well… anything else.

  4. 4 On December 1st, 2012, Sonya Alvarez said:

    Just be social and don’t spend money on beauty products just be your self be happy and nice help people but don’t be tooo helpful theyll might think your a suck up but be YOURSELf:)

  5. 5 On December 1st, 2012, Michael said:

    Be kind to other students.

  6. 6 On December 1st, 2012, Jellyfishes Are Awesome! said:

    This is what I’ve figured out about being popular.
    There are three types of popularity; The Jocks and Cheerleaders, Snobby people, and the kind ones who people enjoy being around.
    I assume you want to be the kind ones who people enjoy being around.
    Well, don’t change yourself!
    Be yourself!
    Interact with more people, talk to a lot more people and show them your true self.
    If they like you, you will have more friends, then they’ll want to hang around you and before you know it, BAM! popularity.

    Also, if you are not popular, who cares?
    People who tend not to be popular when they are in school, are really popular when they enter the “adult world” and get a job. Keep that in mind, stay in school and be yourself.

    Just be yourself, don’t change yourself.

  7. 7 On December 1st, 2012, Cherrychapstick said:

    Wear cute clothes, natural makeup, and just be nice. But never change who you are just to be popular because then you’ll never truly be happy. I hoped this helped!

  8. 8 On December 1st, 2012, Quinn said:

    Start off by befriending the girls you consider popular or you like.
    1. Compliment them. A lot. But only real compliments. No fake ones. If her hair is ugly, then don’t say you like it. She’ll just say “Oh please, It’s such a mess!” Instead of “Thanks! I like yours too.” Or something along those lines.
    2. Start saying hello to them in the halls. Just a casual “Hey Amy.” As you pass by her.
    3. Start talking to them about stuff like school, “Hey Kelsey, what was the homework for History?” Or “I sooo failed that science test.” or “that test was really hard.” But don’t say it unless you actually thought it was hard. Then they will say something back like “Ohmygosh, I know!”
    4. Start casual conversations with them before or after school starts. “I like your skirt/earrings/whatever.”
    “Where’d you get them?”
    “Oh I forget(or -storename- which you say I love that store!)”
    “Have you been to that new store at -mall-?”
    “No, have you?”
    “No, I really wanna go though.”
    And so on, then maybe invite her to go to the mall with you.

    Beauty tips!

    If you have brown eyes or hazel eyes wear brown or gold eyeliner. Not black.

    If your eyes are blue or green wear silver, grey, or black.
    Brown and gold can work on green eyes too.

    Use blush along the contour of your cheek bones.

    Curl your eyelashes and then add mascara.


    Boots, light flowy scarves, wear at least one piece of jewlrey a day.
    Don’t combine a necklace and dangly earrings.
    Feather earrings are suppper cuute!!

    If you aren’t wearing earrings, or they are not very noticeable studs then feel free to add a necklace.

    Rings and bracelets are cute as well.

    Try doing your nails or getting them done in a cute color like blue, purple, or silver. Metallic colors and that crackle nail polish by Katy Perry are very popular.

    A lot of girls wear uggs as well.

  9. 9 On December 1st, 2012, αlyssє said:

    Be really nice to people. Don’t be rude and don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to new people. As for clothes don’t wear sleazy, trashy, baggy stuff, but don’t go excessively tight, low tops so your boobs hang out, and don’t show your bra. Buy come good brand stuff and try and keep up with the fashion around you (as for now it’s vintage, chill, and laid back, pretty simple and girly stuff). You can wear makeup but don’t feel the need to pack on a whole bottle of foundation and an entire stick of eyeliner every morning. Try and keep your skin clear and moisturized but not oily. Keep hair clean and conditioned, wear cute hairstyles but let your face show, pull back bangs when you wear hair down. To be healthy you shouldn’t be obese, but curves are nice, don’t be stick skinny some fat is actually good! it helps isolate your body and helps store energy. Stay active join clubs, sports teams, and don’t forget your grades EVER EVER EVER EVER grades are #1 they affect your whole future.

  10. 10 On December 1st, 2012, feburaryair ™ said:

    start you own group! theres really no point in trying to be popular, the people you think are popular are just like you! :) just be yourself and everyone will like and become friends with you! just make sure youre not too nice, some people can take that to their advantage, but yeah dont worry about being popular!

  11. 11 On December 1st, 2012, StephanieKOOLCRAZY said:

    A lot of people want to be popular! Dont worry, its not a bad thing, its just that they want to get noticed more! Well, I can tell you this; the key to being popular is having a lot of friends! And no, dont just go around asking people to be your friend! You need to treat them like your Best friend. And your old enough to figure out which people are good friends!
    Heres some helpful tips:
    1. make new friends! Whenever theres someone standing alone, theres your chance! Introduce yourself! or you can just try making friends with groups of people! take turns invited a number of friends over once a week or go shopping with them, so your friendship doesnt fade away.
    2. always smile! You want people to know that your approachable. make that smile say “Hi! Do you want to be friends?” People wont come near someone who is always frowning!
    3. Stay positive, be positive!
    4. Always stand out, or wear the new styles! A cute pair of earings (for a girl) or maybe even a cool new pair of sneakers (for boy and girl) with cool funky colours will make you stand out…in a good way! Having the new trends is important too. once the style starts getting popular in the school, thats because some people look up to other peoples style.
    5. Compliment people! Say something that will brighten their day!
    6. Always except compliments from someone else! Dont disagree, and always compliment them in return!
    7. Start getting social, as in going to parties (if its okay with your parents!) or even going to support your school at sports games!
    8. Join a school sport team or a club! What other way to make more friends?
    9. Dont be rude! Being popular is being nice!
    10. Have good hygein. You dont want to be smelly, or have bad breath! Shower everyday! And wear deodarent.
    11. If mean people ever make a nasty comment on you or gossip/spread rumours about you, ignore it. Responding will only encourage them to bug you more! And ignoring is a really mature thing to do, anyway!
    12. Be fair. Respect Rules. Dont treat others because of their race or culture or color of skin, everyone is equal! And follow the school rules!

    beauty: You dont need makeup or any of that. that can ruin your skin! Wash your face once in the morning and once at night! Also, lip gloss and lip balm are ok! Just be proud of who you are! No one should hide their own natural beauty! Everyone is beutiful in their own way. And you should laugh a lot…no fake laughing, as people can tell! Laugh with your eyes!

    Well, thats all I can think of so far! Anyways, good luck!

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