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Q&A: What cleansing diet i can do for weight loss?

24th November 2012

Q&A: What cleansing diet i can do for weight loss?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by yaya: What cleansing diet i can do for weight loss?
Hi i am on a weight loss journey and i have lost a total of 47 pounds so far and i have 50 more pounds to go but i just wanted to go on a cleansing diet for three days and i was wondering if anyone of you knew of some thank you for reading.

Best answer:

Answer by Addy R
Juice diet is really good. You need a juicer and all sorts of recipes and you drink that for as log as you like. It slows down your metabolism though so when you get off of it work up to eatin solid foods

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  1. 1 On November 24th, 2012, EddySays said:

    The best way to cleanse and detox is to get hold of a liver. Oh, you have one? Great.
    Now just stand there and let it detoxify your body. Partner it with some kidneys and you’ve got the most efficient body cleanse and detox system known to man.
    And you don’t even have to wait for it to come in the mail, or give a credit card number!
    There is no build up of bad plaque, toxins, or sludge in a normal, reasonably healthy system.
    If this was the case we would have people dying left and right from malnutrition since their small intestines couldn’t absorb nutrients. The majority of the water from food and what we drink is reabsorbed through the colon, if our colons were clogged we would all be walking around looking like sponges right?
    Detoxing is ridding the system – liver, kidneys, and intestines of toxins both internal and environmental. Our liver and kidneys aren’t clogged with toxins. Otherwise we would be dead. The liver does in fact get layered with fat if we become overweight.
    We “cleanse and detox” naturally 24 hours a day through respiration, sweat, liver, kidneys, urine, and feces.
    We can help by eating a healthy diet with minimal added sugar and salt.
    Lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain foods, lean meat cuts, fresh fish, beans, peas, brown rice, raw nuts, and barley keep a system as healthy and as clean as it can be.
    Minimal alcohol, caffeine, soda.
    Read food labels. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t put it in your body.
    A healthy high fiber diet works every time. Increases the speed and efficiency of the digestive system and helps the body rid itself of both internal and environmental toxins.
    Cleanses actually flush out the beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the digestive system.
    Search “gut flora” to learn about the beneficial bacteria we need in our colon.
    We have more beneficial bacteria in our digestive systems than all the cells in our bodies!
    Did you know the digestive system is one of the largest contributors to our immune system?
    Spend your money in the produce department to speed your detox.
    Good luck and good health.

  2. 2 On November 24th, 2012, baby dudette said:

    Lemon tea (cleanses everything)
    green tea (full of antioxidants and apparently boosts metabolism)
    Peppermint tea (good for digestion)
    Drink these along with 2 litres of water.
    Eat- mostly fruit and veg based dishes throughout the day.
    However also eat some whole food carbohydrate, like shredded wheat (no added sugar or salt just whole wheat) and use soya milk which stops bloating (if you get that from milk)
    Proteins-chicken, salmon, tuna (avoid red meat) eggs.
    Avoid frying food, and boil, poach, raw where you can.
    Cleansing doesnt have to mean starving yourself so eat unlimited fruit and vegetables.
    Also of you do not suffer from any sort of irritable bowel you can use slimatee, which is a herbal tea with a subtle laxative that makes you go in the morning after having one cup (with one bag) the night before. This is only to be used for two weeks though, so just use it for three days and it clears you out.

  3. 3 On November 24th, 2012, Dewi said:

    Herbal cleansing is a safe and effective way to help eliminate harmful yeasts, parasites and other unfriendly organisms from the body. If allowed to thrive and grow out of control, such opportunistic microbes may cause health issues such as fatigue, brain fog, sugar cravings, unexplained aches and pains, gas and bloating, as well as recurrent vaginal yeast infections or bladder infections.

  4. 4 On November 24th, 2012, Adrienne said:

    Arbonne has a great cleansing diet for weight loss. Not only do you look better after using the system but you’ll feel great! There’s a 7-day cleanse that you drink throughout the day and helps detox the body. However, there are also fiber supplements, protein shakes, weight loss chews, and detox spa products. Arbonne has a great line for weight loss, definitely recommended!

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