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I was watching dateline clips online. How does someone caught get to go online and start chatting again?

16th October 2012

I was watching dateline clips online. How does someone caught get to go online and start chatting again?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by Russell Mania: I was watching dateline clips online. How does someone caught get to go online and start chatting again?
One guy was arrested and the very next day he was chatting with teens again. How does this happen. They should be in jail, how do they even get out soon. How does this happen?

Best answer:

Answer by primalclaws1974
likely he spent the night or less in jail, posted bond, and is awaiting a court day. And is really dumb, apparently.

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There are currently 3 responses to “I was watching dateline clips online. How does someone caught get to go online and start chatting again?”

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  1. 1 On October 16th, 2012, Lex said:

    They are processed and the given a trial date. It’s a shame that it happens but the reports are meant as warnings to parents. Is that the same one who once again was caught on tape trying to meet a minor? If it is, the MSNBC update says he’s now in jail doing, I think five or ten years.

  2. 2 On October 16th, 2012, silverbullet said:

    Ever hear of “due process”?

    Dateline is not part of the judiciary. Being “exposed” by a television show is not the same as being guilty. Even “arrested” doesn’t mean guilt, or even a certainty that a crime has been committed. Remember the “exploding gas tanks” fiasco a few years ago? It turned out the producers faked most of it.

  3. 3 On October 16th, 2012, outta here said:

    He probably was able to post bail, was released on bail and continued his pursuit of children for sex.

    No doubt, when he comes to trial, he will be up the creek for a long time.

    These people are so sick and a real danger to our kids. I’m glad Dateline has brought it all out in the open. Maybe parents will pay more attention to what their kids are doing on line. Maybe a predator might think twice before assaulting a child.

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