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How does coffee affect weight loss or weight gain?

15th September 2012

How does coffee affect weight loss or weight gain?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by : How does coffee affect weight loss or weight gain?
I drink a lot of coffee throughout the day, and I was just wondering how that may affect my weight loss plan. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by David
it raises blood pressure. it makes you pee. it dumps too much caffeine into your body. if you drink it in place of water, you are doing yourself no favors healthwise. drink water, too.

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There are currently 2 responses to “How does coffee affect weight loss or weight gain?”

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  1. 1 On September 15th, 2012, Tank said:

    Hi David
    your answer i agree it. So keep in mind the advice

  2. 2 On September 15th, 2012, Stephen said:

    Drinking Coffee isn’t going to MAKE you lose weight. It does provide a lot of benefits though. It’s great for getting rid of headaches and giving you a little extra energy and focus. Drinking coffee might raise your metabolism, but it won’t make you shed the pounds if all you do is sit on the couch all day.

    If you are really in need of losing weight, your diet is going to be the most important aspect. If you eat right, you will lose weight in no time! Adding a few workouts per week will accelerate that even more. Try lifting weights 3 days a week doing full body exercises such as Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, and Overhead Presses and throw in cardio 1 or 2 days also and you will get in GREAT shape!

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