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What would you advice a teen who was sexually and verbally abused as a child to do?

31st August 2012

What would you advice a teen who was sexually and verbally abused as a child to do?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by M: What would you advice a teen who was sexually and verbally abused as a child to do?
Thanks x

Best answer:

Answer by Depressed Girl
get a therapist so they could talk about it

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There are currently 3 responses to “What would you advice a teen who was sexually and verbally abused as a child to do?”

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  1. 1 On August 31st, 2012, Ogm Counselling said:

    If it is getting to them then i would recommend going to see a counselor or a therapist. Or if it is affecting their mental state then i would recommend going to see their GP and then they can refer them onto a special Adolescent mental health team. They may not feel they need it now, but if left untreated through talking therapy they could end up with severe mental health problems when they grow older.

  2. 2 On August 31st, 2012, silvercats said:

    I also strong;y recommend counseling because if the person couldn’t get over with it alone(it is very rare,) it could be horrible when the person grow up in some situation.Please go for counseling

  3. 3 On August 31st, 2012, D.D. said:

    1. stay away from the abuser
    2. tell the adults and people in your life that are worthy of trust
    3. find the right therapist , so you can talk about it , the differences in what it is like to live in a safe place as a child, and the trust issues this brings up in relationships , and other issues
    4. consider reporting this person to the authorities , since child abusers don’t just stop at one child.
    5. consider getting an attorney and suing for damages
    6. realize children can not give consent to sex, even if they are duped and coerced into it, and the perp often tries to blame them, to make them feel guilty, the child is not guilty, the perp is.
    7. One cannot just ‘enjoy’ it, without sacrificing a huge part of themselves and humanity, and what it means to be able to trust someone with authority. Those are the words of a perpetrator.
    8. Get clear about the damage it has caused you, so you don’t repeat this or pass if forward.

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