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What kinds of questions does the Miss Teen New Jersey pageant ask?

9th August 2012

What kinds of questions does the Miss Teen New Jersey pageant ask?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by : What kinds of questions does the Miss Teen New Jersey pageant ask?
Hey, I have applied for the Miss Teen New Jersey pageant and I was wondering what kinds of questions do they ask when we are going to do the phone interview. I just want to be aware and be prepared for this interview. Help is so much appreciated!

Best answer:

Answer by A.Jo
I am not from Jersey, but I do have personal experience in pageantry. Here is a few typical questions that I would be prepared to answer:

1. Tell me about yourself?

2. What are some of your longtime goals and aspirations?

3. Who would you consider to be your role model?

4. If you could be a celebrity (or animal, or plant, or seriously ANY random object) for a day, what would you choose?

5. And MOST IMPORTANTLY, Why do you want to be Miss Teen New Jersey?

I have never had a phone interview, so I honestly do not know how in-depth they get with their questions. I would say #1 and #5 would probably be the two most important ones. Don’t forget to use full sentences when answering any questions. Do not say um, uh, like, or ANY fillers, as hard as that may be. Don’t start off your answers with the word “well” and make sure your voice doesn’t go up like you are questioning the accuracy of your answer. Pretend the interviewer said “Why” at the end of every question, for example #3 Who would you consider to be your role model AND WHY? They never want just one word answers. Finally, be confident, and don’t be nervous. They want to get to know the real you, and can easily tell if you are being fake.

Good luck girl!

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