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Acne free in 3 Days

18th July 2012

Acne free in 3 Days

posted in Teens |

How I Cured My Acne Condition in 3 days. proven home remedy, natural acne treatment cure pimples,acne & blackheads. Click HERE Acne free in 3 Days.
Video Rating: 0 / 5 – Is your acne due to a hormonal imbalance? If you’re a girl, do you get pimples and acne right before your period, as well as other painful PMS symptoms? Do you get acne along your chin and jawline? Are you a teenager with acne? Are you just a person, in general, who has acne? If you said yes to any of these, you should watch this video! Haha…. I’d like to note that the beer bottle in the background is not mine! I swear! That’ll teach me to check my backgrounds If you’re loving my videos please hit subsribe! Follow, share… I’d love if it you would. Don’t forget to visit my blog and get my FREE ebook – Roadmap to Clear Skin – and leave a comment!

There are currently 25 responses to “Acne free in 3 Days”

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  1. 1 On July 18th, 2012, lanasparkles said:

    @cuqpaff you are correct even i was suffering from acne from the age 14 years Listen to this It was my unforgotable days when i use a effective acne removal method and still there is no mark in my face. all that changed to my acne free face is describing insdie this video. Have a look  >>

  2. 2 On July 18th, 2012, PrincessNaeNae said:

    You two are so adorable

  3. 3 On July 18th, 2012, sweetgyy said:

    doggie says f you!

  4. 4 On July 18th, 2012, supahfreeak said:

    I am a vegan and posted that close to 2 months ago. You really don’t need to convince me of anything.

  5. 5 On July 18th, 2012, rockstarofredondo said:

    Actually, since ww2 the Japanese eat tons of dairy products.

  6. 6 On July 18th, 2012, rockstarofredondo said:

    It doesn’t matter if it’s from grass fed animals or not. Your body can’t digest whey protein or casein & that is likely a factor. Plus there are 59 hormones in cow’s milk, none intended for your system. Milk is a terrible product. Look into You’ll be appalled.

  7. 7 On July 18th, 2012, rockstarofredondo said:

    I noticed my pms chilling out since switching to more raw foods, juicing & an anti-inflammatory.

  8. 8 On July 18th, 2012, Sayobuble said:

    and no coffee???????

  9. 9 On July 18th, 2012, Sayobuble said:

    no milk? no meat??? ohhh girl….

  10. 10 On July 18th, 2012, rosalindaamd said:

    is that a beer bottle??

  11. 11 On July 18th, 2012, TL091121 said:

    dang, but i love milk!!

  12. 12 On July 18th, 2012, Shela Witzel said:

    Acne treatment known as Acnezilax Secrets (just google it) kept showing up here on many youtube videos and I thought they were scams. However after my buddy follow it, and finally break free from acne. I’m persuaded. Don’t take my own word for it, search for Acnezilax Secrets on google.

  13. 13 On July 18th, 2012, Jessica Hawkins said:

    i love you! thank you so much for posting these videos. my dad was trying to talk me into accutane tonight and I’ve felt hesitant even though he’s not the only one trying to get me to do it, and now I’ve watched practically ALL your videos lol and want to try the all natural route for a couple months and see how my body reacts, thanks again for informing me :)

  14. 14 On July 18th, 2012, curiousrabbit6 said:

    What do you think of vitex (chasteberry)? it has worked wonders for me in the past, but lately it seems to not be working and not only do i get those deep chin pimples before my period, but lately after! I have been taking them religiously for a year but forget once and a while so maybe that is why… I do everything you suggest in this video and yet still have issues…are there other natural ways to balance hormones in females?

  15. 15 On July 18th, 2012, supahfreeak said:

    Also, I eat very little dairy, not gluten, no wheat, and very little soy. But, my protein powder is whey and casein and contains milk because of this. However, it is from grass fed cows. I’m trying to build some tone and muscle and I also like to have the powder just to make sure I’m getting enough protein. What do you think of this?

  16. 16 On July 18th, 2012, supahfreeak said:

    This is way true. Since I started eating mainly leafy greens in my diet, lots of homemade green/fruit smoothies and lots of raw foods I don’t even have menstrual cramps anymore (tmi sorry!). I still have a bit of acne but I’m investigating possible food sensitivities and have been eliminating various things. I also noticed evening primrose oil helped as a few others have asked.

  17. 17 On July 18th, 2012, huanhu1564 said:

    Hi there, have you heard of “Break Free Of Acne” (do a Google search)? I have been told some surprising facts related to it. For example, Peter experienced great success from it.

  18. 18 On July 18th, 2012, super3pa said:

    came here to listen to some advises about hormones but i cant hear anything, i am just looking in those eyes… !!!

  19. 19 On July 18th, 2012, sdfgsdfghjkl said:

    everybody is trying to promote a god damn website. fuck the fuck off mother fucker.

  20. 20 On July 18th, 2012, AyuDomi said:

    it would be much helpful if u would write either into the video or description the list of those 6 ways. because english is my second language and its a bit difficult for me to catch what are the ways u mentioned

  21. 21 On July 18th, 2012, lebipsjaune said:


  22. 22 On July 18th, 2012, pinkdipi said:

    Thanks for the information! :)

  23. 23 On July 18th, 2012, colorsmadeoftears said:

    The only place where I get spots is on my chin and jawline ! duh. Unfortunately I LOVE dairy products, I just hope it’s not as bad here in Europe… And I’m on the pill too, so it doesn’t help. And I don’t exercise… and I keep telling myself I should stress let and exercise more…
    Ok, I guess I’ll keep the spots then, I’m too lazy to change all of the above. I can do mint tea though, it’s nice and helps the stomach too.

  24. 24 On July 19th, 2012, amaya0223 said:

    That’s not even true, when I went to Japan for two weeks my skin cleared up from eating more vegetables and protein and less sugar. I saw literally no one with acne in a school of thousands I attended for a week and I didn’t spot anyone Japanese with acne on the train. In addition, more of their food is local and fresh, and most things are not pre-packaged or prepared, there’s far less pollution, and as you said, people are more active. I’d say all the tips in this video are effective.

  25. 25 On July 19th, 2012, pinkdipi said:

    Dairy products are bad you say and that’s the first thing on your list. I thought of Japanese then: they eat VERY little dairy products and they eat lots of fish and vegetables. In school they have lots of sports. And still they have acne. What do you think about this? Thanks!

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