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Advice for teen girl starting new high school?

17th May 2012

Advice for teen girl starting new high school?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by : Advice for teen girl starting new high school?
Do u have any advice for a teen girl starting at a new HS where she doesn’t know too many people. Trying to get past a bad/hurtful experience, two-faced friends, gossip, etc. in 8th grade. She’s very shy but sweet and caring…naive in a way. Anyone been thru something similar? How did you stay strong? Any good books on the subject? Thank you very much.

Best answer:

Answer by Layie5
It is hard starting a new HS. It is going to be hard to find friends but if you talk with other shy people they will be really nice. Do not get into the cliques just be the out kid and be happy. If you get into a clique you will get hurt. I hope you have a fun year good luck! Just be your self.

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  1. 1 On May 17th, 2012, John Sanchez said:

    starting high school is a new experience,when i started H.S.i was scared, i felt like the shortest one in school, and everybody towered over me.My plan for 4 years was to talk to nobody, sit in the back of all my classes and somehow survive.But the powers that be didnt want that to happen, i ended up being one of the most popular kids in school, and one of the nominees for prom king, who would have figured. The best thing about having 2 faced gossip people is knowing that you are better then that, and that you dont need peope like that in your life.I have had to deal with that through out my life,i have been hurt left and right by so called friends.The one thing i did was to pray to God and leave to him my hurts,i would leave it to him everyday and believe that he will heal me,we must leave what we have been through to him everyday so that we can get use to not carrying around all this hurt,something like this takes practice because we are so use to carrying our hurts around.Praying is just talking, talk to god like you would talk to a friend that you care about.Also give him the next 4 years of high school to him, and you will see a great experience you will have in high school. Remember to be yourself only, dont try to act a certain way to be accepted, you will not be comfortable and you may not like yourself after a while.Involve yourself into activities and sports(if you like to play sports)and go to your prom during your senior year, you will not regret it.By the time high school is over and you have graduated, life will look very different for you,it has for me,i say all this because i was and still am very much like you. High school can be a scary place, but after a while it will be home.

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